Manage Project User Flow (PJMBASIC)

  • Identification group box
    • Abbreviation field
  • Basic Info tab
    • Classification group box
      • Apply Cost of Money Rates check box
      • Cobra Project check box
      • Cobra Mapping Value field
    • Charging group box
      • Limit group box (entire)
      • Export to Shop Floor Time check box
      • Export to Manufacturing Execution check box
      • Export Project Work Force to Talent check box
    • Controls group box
      • Apply Salary Cap check box and corresponding Allow Edit check box
      • Salary Cap Code field
      • ACRN Options group box (entire)
  • Gov’t Contract subtask
    • Funding Source field and corresponding Allow Edit check box
    • DPAS Purchasing Rating field and corresponding Allow Edit check box
    • Agency ID field and corresponding Allow Edit check box
    • Incurred Cost Submission Code drop-down list and corresponding Allow Edit check box
    • Include in Aggregate Volume check box and corresponding Allow Edit check box
    • Wage Determination group box (entire)
  • Modifications subtask (entire)
  • Rev Info subtask (entire)
  • Proj Bill Info subtask (entire)
  • Def Rate Seq subtask (entire)
  • COGS subtask (entire)
  • Total Ceil subtask (entire)
  • Dir Cost Ceil subtask (entire)
  • Burd Cost Ceil subtask (entire)
  • Dir Hrs Ceil subtask (entire)
  • Empl Hrs Ceil subtask (entire)
  • Vend Hrs Ceil subtask (entire)
  • Cost Fee Ovrd subtask (entire)
  • Burd Fee Ovrd subtask (entire)
  • Mult Ovrd subtask (entire)
  • Deliverables subtask (entire)
  • User-Define Info subtask (entire)
  • Acct/Org Links subtask (entire)
  • ACRN subtask (entire)