Create Asset Transfer Transactions

You can manually enter transfer data on a record-by-record basis on the Manage Asset Transfer Information screen. If you have a large number of property records for which transfer data must be periodically maintained, however, manual entry can prove time-consuming and tedious.

As an alternative to manual transfer data entry, use this optional screen to select the asset/item numbers, asset Account/Organization/Project account combinations, and/or property types that you want to populate with a set of specified transfer template data that is common to the selected records. The intention of this special-purpose process is aimed at minimizing manual data entry requirements for transfer information that is common to a range of records.

Note: The process run from this screen is company-specific and will be available for use only by your company of login. If you have set up multiple companies in Costpoint, you can run the process in this screen for each company only by using the separate company login for each.

You can run the process on this screen only for your login company. If you have multiple companies, you cannot run the process from this screen for any company other than your company of login.

You can populate the fields on the Manage Asset Transfer Information screen as a result of following these steps:

  1. Select the ranges of records, create the template data, and run the process from this screen, by which the system writes the template data to the Manage Asset Transfer Transactions screen, based on your selection parameters. This intermediate step provides you with the opportunity to review the data and make any necessary edits before the system writes the final data to the Manage Asset Transfer Information screen for the selected records.

  2. Review and edit the created records on the Manage Asset Transfer Transactions screen, as desired. Template transfer data displays on this screen for the ranges of records specified as an intermediate step before the system writes the data as an individual transfer record for the asset record, as selected. Because this screen provides a convenient way to review the transfer data for all your selected asset records in a single table window, use this screen to make your final edits before populating the individual records.

  3. Execute the final process from the Create Asset Transfer Information screen to move the information from the Manage Asset Transfer Transactions screen to the Manage Asset Transfer Information screen.

Once you have completed these steps, you can also manually edit transfer records on the Manage Asset Transfer Information screen that have been populated by means of the steps above.

This screen contains four blocks, as follows:

  • Identification: Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously-saved parameter ID.
  • Selection Ranges: Use the fields in this group box to specify the asset/item numbers, asset Account/Organization/Project account combinations, and/or property types to be populated with transfer template data.
  • Options: Use the check boxes in this group box to select the depreciation and record status type(s) to include in the process.
  • Template Data: Use this fields in this group box to specify the set of transfer data the system will create on an interim basis for the selected asset records when you run the process from this screen.

On the Manage Tracking Field Labels screen, you can optionally define the labels for the transfer data columns, such as Trnsfr To, Apprved By, and so on. Your labels, along with the Date label for the first column, will display as the label names for the template section of this screen, as well as on the Manage Asset Transfer Information and Manage Asset Transfer Transactions screens and on the Print Asset Transfer Information Report. Use this optional feature to customize the transfer data that you record for ease in recognition.

It is not a system requirement that you establish one or more labels for the table columns. If you do not choose to define labels, system default labels (for example, Transfer1, Transfer2, and so on) will display as the column names. You may find, however, that data entry and history review is more meaningful when appropriate labels display.

Although you can set up and change the labels on the Manage Tracking Field Labels screen at any time, you may find it more convenient to decide on the label names before you begin to enter data on this screen. To achieve consistency throughout your records, it is preferable for you to plan for and establish as much as possible of this setup data during your initialization procedures. Note that labels display on a "real-time" basis, in that data entered using a different label can only be retrieved with the current label displayed.

Other tracking functions, such as maintenance and transfers, are also available within Costpoint Fixed Assets. Note that you can use each function independently, and there is no system requirement that you add transfer, maintenance, and/or transfer data in a specified sequence.

Note: Additional transfer features have been added to the system since the original transfer functionality was created. The updated transfer capabilities are associated with the ability to capture changes made to fields in Asset Master and/or Asset Template records. The new transfer/asset change functionality can be accessed via screens from the Asset/Template Changes menu selections:

If you have used this screen in the past to manually record historical transfer (or change) data, you can use the optional Copy Transfer Data to Asset Audit Log toolkit to copy the transfer data from this screen to the Asset Audit Log. This will enable you to take full advantage of the new functionality and to retrieve all your "change" data from a single source in the future (via inquiry or report).

You can run the process from this screen at any time after you have established your asset records on the Manage Asset Master Information screen .

Although not system-required, you may choose to optionally define the labels on the Manage Tracking Field Labels screen for the transfer data fields (such as Trnsfr To, Apprved By, and so on).

You may find that the ability to customize these labels makes your transfer data entry and history review more meaningful. If you do not choose to define labels, system default labels (for example, Transfer1, Transfer2, and so on) will display as the column names.