Running Jobs for Print and Process Applications

Use the applications in the Job Management module to run print and process applications immediately or at scheduled time.

You can use the screens in the Job Management module of Costpoint Administration for running jobs for Costpoint functions which include reports, computations, and postings. You can set up email accounts and notifications, create a job for the Costpoint functions, submit the job to a queue, and start the Job Server where the Job Queue is assigned.

Complete the procedures listed in the related topics in the following order to set up and run jobs:
  1. Set Up Email Accounts for Notifications.
  2. Enable Notifications When Batch Job Completes.
  3. Specify Submission, Retry, and Notification Parameters.
  4. Create a Job Group.
  5. Create a Job for the Costpoint Function.
  6. Create a Job Queue.
  7. Create a Job Server.
  8. Submit the Job ID to a Job Queue.
  9. Verify the Status of the Submitted Job.
  10. Start the Job Server.