Contents of the Approve Journal Entries Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Approve Journal Entries screen.


Field Description

This non-editable field displays the name of the currently logged-in user.

Table Window

Field Description
JE Type

This field displays the journal entry type.


This field displays the journal entry number.

JE Amount

This field displays the journal entry amount. This is the higher of the debit or credit amount for the journal entry.

Fiscal Year, Period, Subperiod

These fields display the fiscal year, period, and subperiod for which the journal entry was entered.

Entry User ID

This field displays the user ID of the person who entered the journal entry.

Entry Date

This field displays the date the journal entry was entered.


Select this check box to approve the journal entry. If you clear this check box, the journal entry remains unapproved.

JE Description

This field displays the description of the journal entry.

Over Budget

This check box is selected if the journal entry will cause any project's budget to be exceeded. This check box identifies transactions that, if posted, will cause you to exceed the line item ceiling placed on a project.


Subtask Description
JE Detail Click this link to open the JE Detail subtask.
Exchange Rates Click this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask.