View Action and Report Status

Use this screen to monitor the overall workload on the job server and view the status details of the jobs being processed.

This screen is normally used by a system administrator, however, other users may also benefit from access to this screen since the application functionality enables status monitoring of each job submitted to the server, including reports, processes, and other jobs.

All data is on this screen is read-only, which can be filtered by application, starting and ending dates, job status, and execution method.

There are two versions of this screen:

  • This screen (SYQJSTAT2) does not allow you to filter by user. The User field displays the logged-in user ID and is disabled. You can also access this screen by clicking Process > View Action and Report Status from the Global menu.
  • The View Action and Reports Status screen (SYQJSTAT), located in the Job Management module, allows you to filter by user.  

    After specifying your options, click on the toolbar to display the data in the Job Step Details table window.