OSHA 200 Subtask

Use this subtask to enter information needed for OSHA 200 reporting standards.

You can access this subtask only if the Date of Injury/Onset of Illness field on the Accident Details tab is earlier than January 1, 2002. Otherwise, the OSHA 300 subtask is enabled.

Update this subtask whenever an employee has been injured in a work-related accident or reports an illness due to working conditions.


Field Description
Date of Injury

This non-editable field displays the date of the accident or illness. The date defaults from the Accident Details tab.

OSHA Case Number

Enter the number assigned to this case by OSHA. This is an optional field.

Section 7

Select the option that applies to Section 7 of the OSHA 200 Report. The default is set to None.


Use the drop-down list to select the option that identifies the employee's transfer/termination status as a result of this accident or illness. Valid options are:

  • Transfer: Select this option if the employee was transferred as a result of this accident or illness.
  • Terminated: Select this option if the employee was terminated as a result of this accident or illness.
  • None: Select this option if the employee was neither transferred nor terminated as a result of this accident or illness. This is the default.

If the employee was either transferred or terminated as a result of this accident or illness, enter the date, in MM/DD/YYYY format, that the transfer or termination occurred. If you selected the None option, this field is disabled.

Lost Days

Enter a maximum of four digits to record the number of days the employee was unable to work due to this accident or illness. This is an optional field.

Restricted Days

Enter a maximum of four digits to record the number of days the employee was able to work but, because of the injury or illness, was unable to perform all of the normal responsibilities of the job. This is an optional field.

Injury/Anatomy Information

Use these columns to record the detail information that is required for OSHA 200 reporting.

Field Description
Line No

This is a system-generated, sequential number that is automatically assigned to each row. It is a non-editable field.


Enter, or use to select, the injury/illness code that applies to this case. This code is validated against the Manage Injury/Illness Codes table and is a required field.

Injury/Illness Description

This non-editable column displays the description of the Injury/Illness code you entered.


Enter, or use to select, the anatomy code that applies to this case. This code is validated against the Anatomy Codes table and is a required field.

Anatomy Description

This column displays the description of the code you entered in the Anatomy column.