Contents of the Manage User Suppression Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage User Suppression Screen.

Manage User Suppression

The Manage User Suppression table will be automatically populated with all users in the database.

Field Description
User ID This field displays the user ID from the Manage Users screen. Use the Query function to filter specific users, such as deactivated users.
User Name This field displays the user name from the Manage Users screen.
Company ID This field displays the company ID linked to the user in the Company Access subtask of the Manage Users screen.
Detail Job Title If the User ID is linked to an Employee ID in Manage Users, this field displays the job title assigned to the employee ID as of the system date. If the user ID is not linked to an employee ID, this field will be blank for that user.
Home Organization If the user ID is linked to an employee ID on the Manage Users, this field displays the home organization assigned to the employee ID as of the system date. If the user ID is not linked to an employee ID, this field will be blank for that user.
HR Organization If you are licensed for Costpoint Human Resources, using HR organizations, and the user ID is linked to an employee ID on the Manage Users screen; this field displays the HR Organization assigned to the employee ID as of the system date. If the user ID is not linked to an employee ID, this field will be blank for that user. If your company is not licensed for Costpoint HR, this column is hidden.
Deactivation Date This field displays the deactivation date assigned to the user ID on the Manage Users screen.
Suppress Labor Select this check box to suppress the display of labor information when this user opens a screen or prints a report in which labor data would normally display.
Suppress SSN Select this check box to suppress the Social Security Number (SSN) when this user opens a certain screen or prints certain reports on which this number normally appears. Blanks appear on the screen and report instead of the number.
Note: This check box does not affect all screens and reports because you can use organization security to limit user rights to view certain employees or use the User Group module and application rights to limit user-access to certain screens, and because certain government tax reports require the SSN.
If you select the Suppress SNN check box, SSNs will be suppressed when user opens or prints reports in the following applications:
  • Manage Employee Information (LDMEINFO)
  • Print Employee Basic Report (LDREMPL)
  • Manage Employee Earnings History (PRMERF)
  • Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)
  • Create U.S. Treasury File (PRPFRBND)
  • Print Certified Payroll Report (PRRCERT)
  • Print Quarterly Federal Payroll Tax Report - Quarterly Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Payroll Tax Report (PRRFDTAX)
  • Print Local Withholding Report (PRRLCWH)
  • Print Quarterly State Unemployment Report (PRRSTTAX)
  • Print State Withholding Report (PRRSTWH)
  • Print Coverage Report (HBRCVG)
  • Print Employee Medical Surveillance Data Report (HBREMED)
  • Print Exit Interview Form Template (HPREFT)
  • Print Completed Exit Interview Form (HPREF)
  • Print Completed Review Form (HSRRF)
  • Print Review Form Template (HSRRFT)
Suppress Cost Select this check box to suppress the display of cost information when this user opens a screen or prints a report in which cost data would normally display.
Suppress Price Select this check box to suppress the display of price information when this user opens a screen or prints a report in which price data would normally display.

Suppress/Show Buttons

Use these buttons to change the suppression settings for multiple Costpoint users. Only the selected rows will be updated so please remember that you must highlight/select the appropriate rows in the Manage User Suppression table before clicking these buttons.

Tip: Use the following tips for selecting on the Mass Update Suppression table:
  • To select multiple rows on the Manage User Suppression table, click the starting row, press the SHIFT key, and then click on the ending row. You can also press the CTRL key, and then click on the specific rows that you want to update.
  • It is likely you have many users in your database. We recommend that you use the Query function to filter out records that do not need to be updated before you select records for updating.
  • If you accidentally check the boxes for the incorrect users and you have not saved your changes yet, you can use the Refresh All function to revert the check boxes back to their original state.
Field Description
Suppress Labor Click this button to select the Suppress Labor check box for the selected rows on the Manage User Suppression table. If you select the Suppress Labor check box, labor cost information will be suppressed when this user opens specific screens or prints specific reports in which labor cost data would normally display.
Show Labor Click this button to clear the Suppress Labor check box for the selected rows in the Manage User Suppression table. If you clear the Suppress Labor check box for a user, that user will be able to see labor costs in all screens and reports.
Suppress SSN Click this button to select the Suppress SSN check box for the selected rows in the Manage User Suppression table. If you select the Suppress SSN check box, SSNs will be suppressed when this user opens or prints reports in the following applications:
  • Manage Employee Information (LDMEINFO)
  • Print Employee Basic Report (LDREMPL)
  • Manage Employee Earnings History (PRMERF)
  • Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)
  • Create U.S. Treasury File (PRPFRBND)
  • Print Certified Payroll Report (PRRCERT)
  • Print Quarterly Federal Payroll Tax Report - Quarterly Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Payroll Tax Report (PRRFDTAX)
  • Print Local Withholding Report (PRRLCWH)
  • Print Quarterly State Unemployment Report (PRRSTTAX)
  • Print State Withholding Report (PRRSTWH)
  • Print Coverage Report (HBRCVG)
  • Print Employee Medical Surveillance Data Report (HBREMED)
  • Print Exit Interview Form Template (HPREFT)
  • Print Completed Exit Interview Form (HPREF)
  • Print Completed Review Form (HSRRF)
  • Print Review Form Template (HSRRFT)
Show SSN Click this button to clear the Suppress SSN check box for the selected rows in the Manage User Suppression table. If you clear the Suppress SSN check box for a user, that user will be able to see SSNs in all screens and reports.
Suppress Cost Click this button to select the Suppress Cost check box for the selected rows in the Manage User Suppression table. If you select the Suppress Cost check box, price information will be suppressed when this user opens a screen or prints a report in which cost data would normally display.
Show Cost Click this button to clear the Suppress Cost check box for the selected rows in the Manage User Suppression table. If you clear the Suppress Cost check box for a user, that user will be able to see cost information in all screens and reports.
Suppress Price Click this button to select the Suppress Price check box for the selected rows in the Manage User Suppression table. If you select the Suppress Price check box, price information will be suppressed when this user opens a screen or prints a report in which price data would normally display.
Show Price Click this button to clear the Suppress Price check box for the selected rows in the Manage User Suppression table. If you clear the Suppress Price check box for a user, that user will be able to see price information in all screens and reports.