Customer Statement

The Customer Statement has several fields that hold balances and other information.

  • The date range at the top of the statement comes from the dates entered in the Select Ranges group box on the Print Customer Statements screen. The first date is used as the starting parameter for the displayed activity. The second or Ending Date is used as the ending parameter for the displayed activity.
  • Statement Date on the top left is your system (today's) date.
  • Customer Name and address is displayed near the top left of the statement. This statement address will be the default billing address from the Manage Customers screen. The customer name is also printed at the top center of the statement.
  • Remit To address near the top right of the statement comes from the Configure Billing Settings screen in the Billing module. You can create new remittance addresses on the Manage Remittance Addresses screen in the Billing module.
  • Customer Account (customer code) is the 12-character alphanumeric field from the Manage Customers screen.
  • Credit Limit is selected in the Credit Info tab of the Manage Customers screen. Credit Limit descriptions are created on the Manage Customer Credit Limits screen.
  • Credit Available is the Credit Limit amount less the current Balance amount.
  • Status is an optional field that shows those customers whose accounts are on-hold. This field prints only if you select the Show The On-Hold Status check box on the Print Customer Statement screen.
  • Prev YTD Invoices is all of the Invoices that have an invoice date from 01/01 of the year in the start date of the Statement date range (is displayed at the top of the Statement) through the day the Statement range starts minus one day.
  • Prev YTD Payments is all of the Cash Receipts that have a receipt date from 01/01 of the year in the start date of the Statement date range (displayed at the top of the Statement) through the day the Statement range starts minus one day.
  • Prev YTD Discounts is all of the Discounts Taken from cash receipts dated 01/01 of the year in the start date of the Statement date range (displayed at the top of the Statement) through the day the Statement range starts minus one day.
  • Prev Balance is the sum of the three items listed above, Prev YTD Invoices less Prev YTD Payments less Prev YTD Discounts except, instead of beginning at the first of the year, the Prev Balance goes back to the first day this customer had an A/R transaction with your company. The detailed description of the Prev Balance formula follows:
  • Prev Balance is the total of all invoices for this Customer starting with the oldest invoice date through the day before the start date of the Statement date range that is displayed at the top of the Statement, minus the total of all Cash Receipts starting with the Cash Receipt with the oldest cash receipt date through the day before the start date of the Statement date range that is displayed at the top of the Statement, minus all Discounts Taken from the oldest cash receipt date through the day before the start date of the Statement date range that is displayed at the top of the Statement.
  • Current Period Activity: this section is the body of the Customer Statement. The detail contained in this area includes all invoices that have an invoice date within the date range at the top of the statement. Each invoice is displayed with the Invoice Date, Invoice Number, Bill Number, and Total Amount.
  • Current Period Invoices is the total of all current invoices displayed.
  • The next section of the Statement lists the Current Period Payments. Each Cash Receipt displayed includes Date, Check number, Discount Taken, Payment Amount and Total Amount. The Total Amount column is equal to the Discount Taken plus the Payment Amount. (Discount Taken is the amount in the Discount Taken column on the cash receipt. Payment Amount is the amount of the cash received.)
  • Current Period Payments formula is: Current Total of Discounts Taken + Current Total of Payment Amount = the Current total of Total Amount.
  • Net Current Period Activity = (The total Current Period Invoices - the total of Current Period Payments)
  • Balance: This amount is displayed near the bottom right of the Statement. The Balance amount is the sum of (Prev Balance + Net Current Period Activity).
  • YTD Invoices is the sum of (Prev YTD Invoices + the total Current Period Invoices).
  • YTD Payments is the sum of (Prev YTD Payments + the total of Current Period Payments).
  • YTD Discounts is the sum of (Prev YTD Discounts + The total of Current Period Discounts Taken).