Reconcile Project Subcontractor Status

Use the Budgeting and Planning reports to reconcile data on the Project Subcontractor Status report.

These reports include the following:

  • Burdened Cost Breakdown (Cost Analysis)

  • Burdened Cost Breakdown (Budget Development)

To reconcile the Costpoint Enterprise Reporting Project Subcontractor Status report with Budgeting and Planning:

  1. Run the Project Subcontractor Status report in Costpoint Enterprise Reporting.
  2. Run the Burdened Cost Breakdown report in Budgeting and Planning (Project > Cost Analysis).
  3. Click Mtls&Subs.
  4. Compare the following:

    Costpoint Enterprise Report

    Budgeting and Planning Report

    ITD Actual Costs

    Total of the ‘Subs’ line from ITD Total column


    Total of the ‘Subs’ line from Commit column

    Current Period Actuals

    Total of the ‘Subs’ line from Current Period column

  5. Run the Burden Cost Breakdown report in Budgeting and Planning (Project > Budget Development).
  6. Click Subcontracts.
  7. Select Latest EAC.
  8. Compare the following:

    Costpoint Enterprise Report

    Budgeting and Planning Report Total Burden Budget Column


    Subcontracts and Other Mtls & Subs