Purge Other Books Depreciation History

Use this screen to delete depreciation activity for your optional other books, as applicable, for any prior closed fiscal year(s) and period(s) from the Other Books Depr History (FA_DEPR_HS) table.

Because depreciation for other books is never posted to the General Leger, the system writes and stores the monthly depreciation expense for other books in the Other Books Depreciation History table when you run the Close Fixed Assets Accounting Period process. The data stored in the FA_DEPR_HS table includes the asset/item number, fiscal year/period/ subperiod, and the depreciation expense for each book.

Additional records are added to the Other Books Depr History table each accounting period when you run the Close Fixed Assets Accounting Period process. As a result, this table can potentially contain a very large number of records.

Once data is written to the Other Books Depr History table, you can view the data on the View Other Books Depreciation History screen. You can also print the depreciation history from this table when you run the process on the Print Sequential Other Books Depreciation History Rpt screen.

To prevent the accidental deletion of data, we recommend that you restrict user access to this screen. You cannot perform the Close Fixed Assets Accounting Period process while this purge is in process.

Note: This purge deletes data only from the Other Books Depr History (FA_DEPR_HS) table.
Warning: Because this purge routine permanently deletes table data, you should first verify that you do not need to retain this data in the system for future audits or for historical reference purposes. As a precaution, you should always perform a reliable backup.

Following your company procedures, first identify which fiscal years, periods, and asset/item numbers should be included in the selection parameters. Although you can run this process at any time, you should normally run this process to clear out unneeded history and free up database space.

Before beginning the purge process, the system checks the status of all accounting periods within the range selected for the purge. If any period from the selected range is not closed, the system displays a warning message. It tells you that not all accounting periods within the selected range have been closed. And then, it will ask you if you want to continue with the purge process or not.

Although you can continue with the purge process in this circumstance, we recommend that you investigate before proceeding. Transactions should normally be purged only for closed accounting periods.