
These are MO Build-To Inventory Abbrev - Drill Thru report prompts.

Prompt Message



Select one company from the list.

Secondary Sort

Select the secondary sorting criterion for the report.

The available options are the following:

  • Work Center
  • Component Part
  • Component Location
  • Line Number
  • Find Number
Print Barcode

Select the option to indicate if you want to print the barcode.

Print Previously Printed Documents

Select the option to indicate if you want to print previously printed documents.

MO Status

Select the status of the MO you want to include on this report.

The available options are the following:

  • Released
  • In Shop

All of the options are selected by default.

Limit MO number(s)

Enter a portion of one or more MO numbers in the Keywords field to be added on the report.

You can use the steps in entering keywords in the Keywords fields to return the results you are looking for.

MO Planned Shop Date Cut Off

From: — Enter the start cut off date to use or click the calendar icon to select the date.

To: — Enter the end cut off date to use or click the calendar icon to select the date.

Select Earliest date to indicate all dates or Latest date if you do not want any date filters to be applied. These are the default options.

Limit planner(s)

Enter a portion or the entire ID of one or more planners in the Keywords: (ID + Name) field to be added on the report.

You can use the steps in entering keywords in the Keywords fields to return the results you are looking for.

Limit work center(s)

Enter a portion or the entire ID of one or more work centers in the Keywords: (ID + Name) field to be added on the report.

You can use the steps in entering keywords in the Keywords fields to return the results you are looking for.

Limit warehouse(s)

Enter a portion or the entire ID of one or more warehouses in the Keywords: (ID + Name) field to be added on the report.

You can use the steps in entering keywords in the Keywords fields to return the results you are looking for.