Manage Correcting Timesheets

Use the Manage Correcting Timesheets screen to correct posted timesheets.

This application represents one of several processes you can use to correct or modify timesheets after they have posted.

All of the timesheet types in this screen appear as D (D-Correcting). "Regular" timesheets are available in this program, but the timesheet type displays as D. If you click and search for timesheet types that begin with R, Costpoint retrieves and displays timesheet records with a D timesheet type; these timesheets have a sequence number between 1 and 9.

If you click and search for timesheet types that begin with D, Costpoint retrieves and displays timesheet records with a D timesheet type; these timesheets have a sequence number that can range from "11" to "99"; it is unlikely, however, that you will ever correct or modify a sequence "99" timesheet.

After you make corrections and save the timesheets, two timesheets are created. Costpoint automatically generates a reversing timesheet for the original. Reversing timesheets are saved as N-Reversing. Correcting timesheets are also created and are saved as D-Correcting. Both timesheet types can be accessed on the Manage Timesheets screen. N-Reversing timesheets are non-editable; however, you can make changes to D-Correcting timesheets before you post them.

This screen has two table windows. After you perform a query, the records that display in the top Table Window represent posted timesheet records from various accounting periods. The corresponding timesheet line detail is available in the bottom Table Window.

This screen contains two tabs:

  • Timesheet Header
  • Entry Information