What are autocreation accounts?

Autocreation accounts is the short term used for the asset "ownership" account/organization/project combinations (AOP) in your General Ledger that will, when used on a Purchase Order or A/P Voucher, enable the automatic creation of Asset Master records.

Asset account combination data is system-required in all Asset Master records (both depreciable and non-depreciable) to establish ownership and allow you to segregate and sort groups of assets. Ownership information is frequently used as a selection criterion when performing online queries, running standard reports, or designing custom reports. Asset ownership account cost data are generally tied out to GL accounts on a regular basis.

If you use reference numbers, you can also enter them as part of the ownership designation on this screen.

What types of Account/Organization/Project combinations should I use?

Almost any type of Account/Organization/Project combination (including reference numbers, if applicable) can be designated for autocreation on this screen. The types of ownership (asset) accounts for which autocreation is enabled often include the following:

  • Balance sheet accounts for company-owned assets (property, plant, and equipment accounts);
  • Project accounts for property that is identified with a contract, including contractor-acquired government property and/or government-furnished equipment; and
  • Expense accounts for tracking items not capitalized.

The asset account combination(s) and/or wildcard(s) that you establish for autocreation should reflect your company requirements.

Note: The data on this screen is company-specific and is available for use only for your company of login. If you have set up multiple companies in Costpoint, you can enter data on this screen for each company only by using a separate company login for each.

Are there any account combination types I should avoid?

Do not use inventory account types.

If the autocreation account and/or wildcard combination entered on this screen is an inventory account, the system will not permit access to the (optional) additional receiving data (such as Tag Number, Serial Number, and so on) in the Fixed Assets subtask of the Manage Purchase Order Receipts and Manage Quality Control Inspections screens in Costpoint Receiving.

How does the autocreation process work?

Autocreation involves the following basic steps:
  1. If you are licensed for Costpoint Purchasing and Receiving:
    • Select the preferred asset/item numbering configuration from the Configure Default Autocreation Asset Numbering screen (the screen you are now in).

    • Select the preferred defaults on the Configure Autocreation Settings screen.

  2. On the Manage Autocreation Accounts screen, enter the Account/Organization/Project/Reference 1/Reference 2 combination(s) and/or wild card combination(s) for which it is permissible to create Asset Master records. Assign the "Receipt" or "Posting" timing code to each row to signify whether data should be captured at time of Receipt or at time of A/P Posting.

  3. On the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen, select the Enable Automatic Numbering for Asset Master Records check box and enter the appropriate data in the Last Asset Number field.

  4. (Optional) Enter additional Receiving data (such as tag number, serial number, and so on) as desired in the Fixed Assets subtask (on the Manage Purchase Order Receipts and Manage Quality Control Inspections screens).

  5. (To enable the system to write optional Fixed Assets data entered in this subtask to the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen, you must also enter receipt identification data in the normally optional Rcpt field on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable.)

  6. Run the preliminary autocreation process from the Create Autocreation Transactions screen.

    • During this process, the system collects the appropriate data from the Purchasing, Receiving, and/or A/P tables and displays the information on the Manage Autocreation Transactions table window for your review.

  7. Make all necessary edits and enter additional data as desired on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen. Select or de-select records for processing.

  8. Review the data in summary or detail format at any time by printing the Print Autocreation Transactions Edit Report.

  9. Execute the final autocreation process from the Create Asset Master Records screen.
    • This step moves selected and validated rows from the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen and creates the individual Asset Master records. A list of successfully processed transactions automatically prints along with an error list of any transactions rejected because of error conditions.

How do I use Wildcards on this screen?

Use the "Wildcard" capability to enter an underscore ("_") at any single position to indicate that all characters are acceptable or to enter a percentage ("%") to indicate that a range of characters is acceptable.

Note: Use of wildcard functionality assumes the existence of a value and not a blank. If you want to autocreate for all instances of a specific account/organization combination (both with and without a project), enter two rows on this screen, the Manage Autocreation Accounts. Use the same account and organization for each row, but in one row enter the "%" wildcard in the Project column and in the second row leave the Project column blank.

In the following examples, assume that the account combinations have already been established and that reference numbers are not used.

For organizations, the second level represents the division.

For projects, the second level represents the task and the third level represents the location, such as, Org 1.1 (Company 1, Division 1), Proj 1006.001.01 (Project 1006, Task 001, Location 01).

Acct Org Project Description
01600-010 1.1 P&E - Equipment - Div 1
01600-010 1.2 P&E - Equipment - Div 2
01600-010 1.3 P&E - Equipment - Div 3
01600-020 1.1 P&E - Vehicles - Div 1
01600-020 1.2 P&E - Vehicles - Div 2
01600-020 1.3 P&E - Vehicles - Div 3
05210-010 1.1 1006.001.01 Materials-Proj 1006-Task 1-Loc 1
05210-010 1.2 1006.001.01 Materials-Proj 1006-Task 1-Loc 2
05210-010 1.8 1006.001.01 Materials-Proj 1006-Task 1-Loc 3
05210-010 1.1 1006.001.01 Materials-Proj 1006-Task 1-Loc 4
05210-010 1.3 1006.001.01 Materials-Proj 1006-Task 1-Loc 5
05210-010 1.1 1006.002.01 Materials-Proj 1006-Task 2-Loc 1
05210-010 1.2 1006.002.01 Materials-Proj 1006-Task 2-Loc 1
05210-010 1.1 1006.002.02 Materials-Proj 1006-Task 2-Loc 2
05210-010 1.2 1006.002.02 Materials-Proj 1006-Task 2-Loc 2
  • Example 1

    To enable autocreation for equipment in all divisions, use these wildcards:

    Acct Org Project
    01600-010 %
  • Example 2

    To enable autocreation for all balance sheet accounts for property in all divisions, use these wildcards:

    Acct Org Project
    01600-% %
  • Example 3

    To enable autocreation for all tasks in the materials account for Project 1006 for location 1 only, for all divisions, use these wildcards:

    Acct Org Project
    05210-010 % 1006.%.01
  • Example 4

    To enable autocreation for task 001 for the materials account for Project 1006 for locations 1-5, for all divisions, use these wildcards:

    Acct Org Project
    05210-010 % 1006.001.%
Note: The preceding examples are designed to illustrate the use of account/wildcards, and are not necessarily representative of a typical corporate structure. Many companies assign their balance sheet asset ownership accounts to the highest level organization (along with the accumulated depreciation accounts) to simplify the accounting, and do not specify any divisional ownership within the organization designation.

Where does the account information from this screen display after autocreation?

The Account/Organization/Project combination called up directly or by the wildcard and used on the purchase order or A/P voucher will display on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen for each selected record after you run the preliminary autocreation process. The account combination will display in the Account, Organization , Project, Ref 1, and Ref 2 columns, as applicable, for each row.

When the final autocreation procedure is executed from the Create Asset Master Records screen, the account combination will automatically display in the appropriate Asset Account fields in the Asset Master record.

Note: Although you can change asset account information once it is captured from the purchase order or A/P voucher, edits of this nature are counter-productive to the autocreation process, destroy the audit trail, and should be discouraged.