Billed Amount, EAC Less G&A

Use this calculation method to base the COGS entry on billed amounts and the estimated costs at completion, minus G&A

The Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen sums the YTD billed transactions, excluding G&A pools, from BILLING_DETL_HIST and sums the prior year billed transactions, excluding G&A pools, from BILLING_SUM to get the ITD billed amount. It subtracts the amount in the ITD Loss Recognized field from the Estimated Costs (EAC) field and divides the result by the amount in the Estimated Total Value field to arrive at the cost percent. It multiplies the cost percent by the ITD billed amount and then adds back the ITD Loss Recognized. It compares this amount to the balance in the account that has a function code of WIP TRANS OUT in the project’s account group. The difference is the amount to post.