Setting Up Prior Fiscal Year History

Several screens contain prior fiscal year history.

  • Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue: Use this screen to enter cost, fee, and revenue information for all prior fiscal years. You must complete it to ensure that the project-level ceilings for revenue and billing calculations are computed correctly. At a minimum, you should enter prior year cost and revenue against the owning organization of the project.

    You may need to set up pool names and numbers on the Manage Cost Pools screen before entering data on this screen - you can select only valid pool numbers.

  • Manage Project Labor History: Use this screen to enter labor history. This data is used in the Inception to Date column of the Labor History report.
  • Manage Prior Year Time and Materials Revenue: Use this screen to identify the hours that were used in T&M calculations for previous years. Costpoint uses this to determine the ceilings for revenue. Billing has its own history screens.
  • Manage Prior Year Unit Revenue: Use this screen to identify the number of units recognized by revenue calculation in prior years. Costpoint uses this to determine the ceilings for revenue. Billing has its own history screens.