Leave Subtask

Use this subtask to assign leave codes and leave-related hire dates to an individual employee.

Several other fields and balances related to employee leave are also displayed on this subtask.

Before you can assign an employee's leave information here, you must set up the main screen, add the beginning balances on the Manage Leave Beginning Balances screen, and establish the leave types on the Manage Leave Types screen and the leave codes on the Manage Leave Codes screen (both in Costpoint Leave).


Field Description
Leave Type

Enter, or click to select, the leave type to assign to this employee. This leave type must have been previously set up on the Manage Leave Types screen in Costpoint Leave.

Leave Code

Enter, or click to select, a leave code for the Leave Type assigned for this employee. This leave code must have been previously set up on the Manage Leave Codes screen in Costpoint Leave.

Leave Hire Date

Enter, or click to select, the leave hire date associated with the Leave Code. If you leave this field blank, the Current Hire date entered for this employee on the main screen is used.

Leave Payout Leave Type

This non-editable check box is populated after you enter a Leave Type on this subtask. If the Use as Excess Leave Payout Leave Type check box is selected on the Manage Leave Types screen for the leave type you entered, this check box is automatically selected.


This non-editable field displays the estimated accrual rate for this employee using either the P-Leave Period or H-Hours Worked accrual method for the current open leave period (see the Compute Method column on the Manage Leave Codes screen).

P-Leave Period calculates leave accrued by the accrual rate specified by the leave pay period. H-Hours Worked calculates leave accrued by the number of regular hours in the period multiplied by the accrual rate.

Estimated Accrual

This non-editable field displays the estimated accrual rate, including both block grants and the P-Leave Period or H-Hours Worked rate, for this employee.

Beginning Balance

This non-editable field displays the leave year beginning balance related to this Leave Code for this employee. You initialize the beginning balance on Manage Leave Beginning Balances screen.

YTD Accrual

This non-editable field displays the year-to-date leave accrual for this employee for the selected Leave Code.

YTD Used

This field displays the year-to-date leave used for this employee for the selected Leave Code.

Current Balance

This field displays the current-leave balance for this employee for the selected Leave Code.

Beginning Balance Deferred

This field displays the leave-year beginning balance for this employee's deferred leave for the selected Leave Code.

YTD Deferred

This field displays the year-to-date deferred leave balance for this employee for the selected Leave Code.

Beginning Balance Lost

This field displays the leave-year beginning balance for this employee's lost leave for the selected Leave Code.

YTD Lost

This field displays the year-to-date leave lost for this employee for the selected Leave Code.

Cumulative Lost

This field displays the cumulative leave lost balance for this employee for the selected Leave Code. Costpoint calculates this value by adding the previous two columns (Beginning Balance Lost + YTD Lost).