JE Detail Subtask

Use this subtask to view details for the selected journal entry on the Approve Journal Entries screen. The details on this screen are from the entries made on the Manage Journal Entries screen.


Field Description

This field displays the type of the selected journal entry.


This field displays the journal entry number.


This group box displays the fiscal year, period and subperiod into which the journal entry will be posted.

Field Description

If this check box is selected, this journal entry will be copied to the Open Billing Detail table, which contains transactions from journal entries that eventually appear on a bill.


This field displays the descriptive text for the journal entry.

Sequence No

During posting, this field displays the posting sequence number with which the journal entry is being posted.

You will rarely see a value in this field, because it has a value only during posting. This information is used when it is necessary to recover from a "crashed" posting.

Entry Info

Field Description
User ID

This field displays the user ID of the person who last updated the journal entry.


This field displays the date when the last update for this journal entry was made.


This group box displays the currency code used.

Running Balance (Transaction Currency)

Field Description

This field displays the total running debit balance expressed in your transaction currency. The values in Running Balance: Debit and Running Balance: Credit should balance.


This field displays the total running credit balance expressed in your transaction currency. The values in Running Balance: Debit and Running Balance: Credit should balance.

Running Balance (Functional Currency)

Field Description

This field displays the total running debit balance expressed in your functional currency. The values in Running Balance: Debit and Running Balance: Credit should balance.


This field displays the total running credit balance expressed in your functional currency. The values in Running Balance: Debit and Running Balance: Credit should balance.

Table Window

Field Description

This field displays the line number of the journal entry.

Project, Account, Organization

These fields display the project, account, and organization associated with the journal entry.

Trans Amount

This field displays the amount for this line of the journal entry, expressed in your company's transaction currency.

Func Amount

This field displays the amount for this line of the journal entry, expressed in your company's functional currency.


This field displays the percent of the total debit when there is a value in the amount or Trans Amount.

Proj Acct Abbrev

This field displays the project account abbreviation code.

JE Line Description

On the Manage Journal Entries screen, you can enter a description other than what is on the header. This field displays that description.

Org Abbrev

This field displays the organization abbreviation for this journal entry.

Project Abbrev

This field displays the project abbreviation for this journal entry.

Ref 1/Ref 2

These two columns display the selected reference numbers for this journal entry.

These two columns display the labels set up on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen for the Reference 1 and Reference 2 fields. For example, AC 1 and AC2.


This field displays brief notes, if any, about the journal entry detail line.

Account Name, Organization Name, Project Name

These fields display the account name, organization name, and project name for this journal entry.