Print Employee Leave Reports

Print an employee leave report in the Print Employee Leave Report screen from the People domain.

To print an employee leave report:

  1. On the Print Employee Leave Report screen, use the fields in the Identification group box to create a new parameter ID or use Query on the toolbar to retrieve an existing parameter ID.
  2. In the Selection Ranges group box, enter the leave year for which you want to print the report.
  3. In the Selection Ranges group box, select the range of employees to include in the report.
    The Start and End fields either become available or are shaded depending on the option you selected in the Range Option field.
  4. In the Sort By group box, select whether you want to sort employee records by Employee Name or Employee ID.
  5. In the Employee Status group box, select the employee categories that you want to include in the report. You can choose to include all employee categories in your report.
  6. Click on the toolbar to print the Employee Leave Report.
    Note: When you close the Print Employee Leave Report screen after printing a report, the Save Parameters screen displays, providing you with the option to create a report setup based on the parameters that you used in printing that particular report.

    If there are already existing report setups, you can use on the toolbar to display these setups. You can then select the setup appropriate for your report.