Print Journal Entry Edit Report

Use the Journal Entry Edit Report screen to review journal entries before posting them to the general ledger. The Journal Entry Edit Report displays supporting detail for your journal entries.

You can print Journal Entry Edit Reports as often as necessary. At the least, you should generate this report before posting your journal entries.

If your firm's accounting operations policies include segregation of duties, perhaps to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, or it has otherwise decided to require that journal entries be approved, you can use the Approve Journal Entries screen to approve journal entries. In that case, use the options in the Approval Status group box on the Print Journal Entry Edit Report screen to indicate whether or not you want to include approved and unapproved journal entry transactions on the report. (You use the Approval Settings subtask of the Configure General Ledger Settings screen to specify whether journal entries require approvals.)

Note: You can apply organizational security to this screen. Use organizational security to grant or deny rights for individual users to view or update information for specific organizations. For more information about organizational security and how to apply it, see the related topic on Organizational Security.
Note: This report displays Input File Numbers for journal entries created by the Import Journal Entry process.
Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.