Import Project Budgets Error Messages

Error messages are displayed in different ways.

Types of Error Messages

Field Description
Window Messages
  • Would you like to continue processing valid data?
  • Some of the input files you have selected are invalid when compared to the source name definition you have chosen when processing these input files. You can continue with the valid input files or stop.
  • None of the selected files have enough data to process
  • All of the input files you have selected are invalid when compared to the source name definition you have chosen when processing these input files.
Error Report Messages
  • ACCT_GRP_CD is not the same for the PROJ_ID and ACCT_ID
  • The account associated with the project contained in your input file is not defined within the account group assigned to that project.
  • ACCT_ID not found in ACCT table.
  • The account contained in your input file is invalid.
  • ACCT_ID and ORG_ID combination is not found in ORG_ACCT table
  • The account and organization combination contained in your input file is not valid.
  • ALLOC_GRP_NO not found in ALLOC_GRP table.
  • The pool allocation number contained in your input file or that was provided as a default value is invalid.
  • ALLOC_GRP_NO and FY_CD and POOL_NO combination is not found in POOL_ALLOC table.
  • The pool allocation number, fiscal year, and pool number combination contained in your input file or that was provided as a default value is invalid.
  • FY_CD not found in FY table.
  • The fiscal year contained in your input file or provided at run time is invalid.
  • ORG_ID not found in ORG table.
  • The organization contained in your input file is invalid.
  • PD_NO and FY_CD combination is not found in ACCTING_PD table.
  • The fiscal year and accounting period combination in your input file or provided at run time is invalid.
  • PD_NO and FY_CD and SUB_PD_NO combination is not found in SUB_PD table.
  • The fiscal year, accounting period, and accounting subperiod combination in your input file, or provided at run time, or provided as a default, is invalid.
  • PROJ_ID not found in PROJ table.
  • The project contained in your input file is invalid.
  • PROJ_ID and ACCT_ID and ORG_ID combination is not found in PROJ_TOT_BUD_DIR table.
  • You are trying to process "Total" indirects in your input file without valid directs.
  • PROJ_ID and FY_CD and BUD_RVSN_ID combination is not found in PROJ_BUD_RVSN table
  • The project, fiscal year, and budget revision combination in your input file or provided at run time is invalid.
  • Same BUD_RVSN_ID, FY_CD, PROJ_ID with row (rownumber)
  • More than one row exists in the input file with the same BUD_RVSN_ID, FY_CD, and PROJ_ID. 
  • PROJ_ID not found in PROJ_EDIT table
  • You are trying to process a Budget Revisions row with an invalid PROJ_ID.
  • Row does not have enough data
  • This particular row does not have enough data columns as defined in source file structure
  • Data too big
  • A data value exceeds the size of the database column.
  • Same DFLT_FL, FY_CD, PROJ_ID with row (rownumber)
  • More than one row is flagged as the current revision for the same project ID and fiscal year.  Only one current revision is allowed.
  • Data can not be NULL
  • A required field has been left blank.