Manage Work Schedules

Use the Manage Work Schedules screen to create work schedules for a company in Costpoint.

A work schedule holds information regarding scheduled work days, holidays, and days off. You can create multiple work schedules for a company. A company can have one work schedule for hourly workers, another for salaried, or one for part-time employees. You can even create a work schedule for individual employees who have unusual schedules. The data in this screen is used by Costpoint only to compare actual work hours to scheduled work hours when prorating salaried employees.

You can add a work schedule for a specific year and copy work schedules from year to year (note that holidays are not copied because of the difficulty in determining the holiday date for the next year). A work schedule can cover multiple years. One data record is added for each day of the calendar year.

You can assign a work schedule to an employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. You can assign a work schedule to a company on the Configure Labor Settings screen. The work schedule assigned to an employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen always takes precedence over the work schedule assigned to the employee's company on the Configure Labor Settings screen. You cannot delete a work schedule after it is assigned to an employee or a company.

If you use Costpoint's prorate labor feature, Costpoint compares the actual work days on a timesheet to the work schedule to determine whether a timesheet is eligible to be prorated. You must create work schedules if you are using a Labor proration formula of Days per Cycle, as selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen.

This application mirrors the work schedules in Deltek Time & Expense. You can import work schedules from Time & Expense using the Import Work Schedules from Deltek Time and Expense application. If there is a direct link between the Costpoint and the Time & Expense databases, you can only view data in this screen. You must make any changes to the work schedule in Time & Expense.

Add work schedules before assigning a company work schedule on the Configure Labor Settings screen or assigning work schedules to employees on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.