Processing Considerations

Processing Constraints

The application prevents exporting a record in a given period if there is unposted depreciation for that record.

The application prevents exporting a record in a given period if the net amount posted does not equal zero.

Disposal records are not created for asset records that have Record Status equal to Disposal on the Desc Info tab of Manage Asset Master Information (S_STATUS_CD equal to D.)

Asset master records applied to the List of assets being considered for export are not saved back into the source database to replace the original asset’s data. The asset records, either in the source database or edited for download to contain different data, never affect the existing asset record or become a new record in the source database via the Export Asset Records application.

You can edit certain asset master data. The Asset Number and the Item Number cannot be edited for the export. You can have Disposal records created selecting the Generate Disposal Records check box and the Depreciable and/or Non-Depreciable check box, and then complete the setup of disposal edit records by entering data in the Asset Master and Disposal Data Records subtask just as you would on the Manage Disposal Transactions screen.

Zero is the default for Disposal records created by this application in the Disposal Price Amt field (FA_DISP_EDIT.DISP_PRICE AMT) and in the Depreciation Adjustment (FA_DISP_EDIT.Bx_DEPR_ADJ_AMT  fields where 'x' is the Book number).

Disposal data fields Disposal Price Amt and the Depr Adj Amt fields default to zero for those books each asset has been set up for. Fields that can normally be edited on the Manage Disposal Transactions screen, such as the Disposal Price Amt and Depr Adj Amt can be edited on a second screen/table (Asset Master Disposal Data Records/Disposal Data) displaying data for Disposal records.

Non-Depreciable records can be processed by the Export Asset Records application. Non-Depreciable Asset Master records can be exported, and disposal records can be created for these records. The disposal records for Non-Depreciable records have certain fields disabled that are enabled for Depreciable assets: All Gain/Loss Accounts for G/L Book fields and the Depreciation Adjustment fields for all books are disabled. The Depreciation Adjustment fields for all books have zeros, since they are numeric fields, but the field data are irrelevant since depreciation is never posted for Non-Depreciable assets.

Timing and Product Interfaces

Use the Export Asset Records application prior to starting your monthly Fixed Assets preprocessing. Since the Current Pd Depreciation field and the Amount Posted in the Current Period must both be equal to zero for a record to be exported, you would normally start your Fixed Assets monthly process by using this process to export any records that are to be moved into another database in the current period.

The header row will contain a fiscal year and period number from the Configure Posting Settings screen; that is, the FA_SETTINGS.CUR_FY_CD and FA_SETTINGS.CUR_PD_NO for your company ID. The Current Fixed Assets Year and Current Period must be accurate for both the export and the subsequent import into the destination database by the Import Asset Records application, or the asset records compute and post depreciation to the wrong periods and in incorrect amounts. Thus, you should always be prepared to import the exported records into the destination database in the same Fixed Assets Year and Period as the records were exported from. You should import these records into the destination database in time to be processed; that is, the records should have depreciation computed and posted for them in the destination database in the period in which they are imported.

Asset disposal edit records created in the source database as part of the Export Asset Records process should also be processed at the beginning of the same period in which the export takes place. The disposal edit records should be posted prior to computing and posting depreciation for the current period. Otherwise, the assets may be computed and posted in both databases in the same period, resulting in duplicate postings. Posting the disposal edit records in the current period removes the sub-ledger and GL Balance Sheet costs in the same period in which the destination database is presumably adding the Subledger and GL costs after importing the assets via the Import Asset Records process.