Transactions Subtask

Use this subtask of the Periods subtask to view the transaction detail for the selected line.

The table window displays the individual transactions supporting the account balance for the selected line from the Periods subtask. Using this subtask after "drilling down" on the Periods subtask allows you to refine your search to a smaller number of detail transactions than if you were to access the Transaction subtask from the main screen directly.


Field Description

This non-editable field displays the fiscal year from the row on the Periods subtask for which you are viewing posting information.


This non-editable field displays the number of the selected account from the row for which you are viewing posting information..


This non-editable field displays the number of the selected organization from the row for which you are viewing posting information.

YTD Balance

This non-editable field displays the year-to-date balance from the row for which you are viewing posting information.


This non-editable field displays the period from the row for which you are viewing posting information.

Period Activity Amount

This non-editable field displays the total currency amount from the row for which you are viewing posting information.

Transaction Total

This non-editable field displays the total of all detail entries for the selected fiscal year/account/organization/period that display in the table window. This amount displays in terms of your company's functional currency.

Table Window

Field Description

This field displays the subperiod in which the transaction was posted for the main line on the Periods subtask


This field displays the type of journal posted (APV-Post Vouchers, AJE-Post JEs, and so on) for the selected line.

Posting Seq

This field displays the posting sequence number of the journal posting.


This field displays the project used in the transaction.

Transaction Description

This field displays the description for each transaction linked to the selected record.

Vendor Name

This non-editable field displays the vendor name for each transaction linked to the selected record.

Employee Name

This field displays the employee name for each transaction linked to the selected record. The employee name populates from timesheets or from the Employee Labor subtask of the Manage Journal Entries screen. Alternatively, the vendor employee name may display in this field if specified on the Vendor Labor subtask of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.


This field displays the amount posted for each transaction linked to the selected record, expressed in the functional currency of your company.

Trans Amount

This field displays the amount of the transaction, expressed in the transaction currency specified during transaction entry.

Trans Currency

This field displays the currency code of the transaction currency.


This field displays the voucher number for each transaction linked to the selected record on the Posting subtask.


This field displays the invoice number, if applicable.


This field displays the purchase order number associated with posted purchase order vouchers that are linked to the selected record.


This field displays the journal entry number associated with posted journal entries that are linked to the selected record.

Cash Recpt

This field displays the cash receipt number associated with posted cash receipts that are linked to the selected record.


This field displays the check number, which displays for posted cash disbursements and for posted cash receipts if a check number was entered when the cash receipt was entered.

Posting User

This column displays the user ID of the person who posted the transaction.

Entry User

This column displays the user ID of the person who entered the transaction.

Reference 1

This column displays the value of Reference 1 for the transaction, if applicable.

Reference 2

This column displays the value of Reference 2 for the transaction, if applicable.

Transaction Comments

This column displays any notes or remarks entered with the transaction.

Voucher Invoice Amount

This column displays the voucher currency invoice amount for the transaction.

Voucher Invoice Currency

This column displays the currency code of the voucher used for the transaction.