Process Ongoing ETCs

Once you have established ETCs, follow this process every month:

  1. Post all journals to the Ledger.
  2. Compute Indirect Rates.
  3. Run the Compute Burden Costs screen to apply rates to projects.
  4. Update ETCs with actual costs incurred. Determine whether you want to burden ETCs with actual or target rates.
  5. Revise ETC amounts with budget minus incurred costs or update LREAC amounts using percent-complete amounts.
  6. Run the Create Estimate to Complete Report Tables process to update the report table data.
  7. Print preliminary reports for review and distribute to project managers.
  8. After project manager's review, enter updated ETC, LREAC, or percent complete hours/amounts.
  9. Run the Create Estimate-to-Complete Report Tables screen again to update the report table data with the updated ETC data.
  10. Print final ETC report and distribute to project managers.
  11. Update the Est to Complete or Est at Comp field on the Manage Revenue Information screen with new ETC or EAC amounts.
  12. Run the Compute Revenue screen to bring the estimated amount forward.