How to Change a CPFF Revenue Formula to an LLR Revenue Formula

Follow a few steps to change a CPFF revenue formula to an LLR revenue formula.

To modify the revenue formula from a cost-type to a loaded-labor:

  1. On the Manage Project Account Groups screen, ensure that all hours have been recorded with a PLC and the labor account has a function code of LABOR.
  2. Set up the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen (if rates are project-specific).
  3. Set up Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects screen (if rates are project-specific) or the Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor screen (if using workforce billing rates).
  4. Set up the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen at the transaction level of the project and reference the source project (the project used on the Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects screen or the Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor screen.
  5. Modify the revenue formula.

    When you enter the new revenue formula, Costpoint displays a message stating that, if you modify the revenue formula, all of the allowable columns for the current fiscal year are deleted. Click Yes if you are changing the revenue for the entire fiscal year. If you do not click Yes, the revenue formula is not modified.  

  6. Load the labor rates.
  7. Compute Revenue.