Security and Property Subtask

Use this subtask to enter information related to company-established security codes and company property that you may want to account for during the exit interview.

This table window displays the standard text related to security and property in the order you selected on the Manage Exit Interview Form screen. You can also add more lines to this table.


Field Description
Load Defaults

Click this button to load the default rows available for the Exit Interview Form ID entered on the main screen.

Order Number

This non-editable field displays the sequence number of the line on which this text appears. Valid values are from 1 to 99. You can add more lines in this field.


This non-editable field displays the standard text that you established on the Manage Exit Interview Form screen for security and property items. You can add text on the new lines, if necessary.

Property Returned

From the drop-down list, select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the item on this line has been returned.

Date Returned

Enter, or click to select, the date, in MM/DD/YYYY format, on which each item was returned.


Enter any additional information relating to this item in this field.