Alternate Reporting Structure

To set up an alternative reporting structure using reference numbers:

  1.  Use the Configure General Ledger Settings screen to define the length of the first segment of the reference number.

    The length of the first segment must be the same for all reference numbers. After you enter a reference number, you cannot change this length.

  2. Define the reference structure on the Manage Reference Structures screen.

    Keep in mind the levels at which you need to track and report on information. Do you need to display data at multiple levels for detail and roll up reports, or can your structure be relatively flat? Enter the top-level reference number and name. That number must match the length specified on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen. Also specify the number of levels and the segment length of lower-level reference numbers. Do not select the Use in Data Entry check box on the Manage Reference Structures screen.

  3. Use the Manage Reference Elements screen to set up each individual reference number.

    Use the Link to Acct/Orgs subtask of that screen to link each reference number to the appropriate account/organization combinations. This linking process updates the ORG_ACCT_REF_STRUC table. When you generate a report by alternate reporting structure, Costpoint uses the information stored in that table to determine the account/organization combinations that are linked to elements of the alternate reporting structure so it can retrieve the correct data from the Financial Statement Summary table. Note that you can also use the Mass Link References/Accounts/Organizations screen and the Link References/Accounts/Organizations screen to link account/organization combinations to reference numbers.