Contents of the Manage Leave Codes Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Leave Codes screen.


Field Description
Leave Code

Enter the leave code that you wish to use to further define the method or predetermined schedule for accruing leave. You can establish several leave codes for each leave type. The code is a six-character alphanumeric, user-defined field. Be sure to assign the leave code to the appropriate leave type, because the characteristics of the leave type also apply to the leave code (for example, leave period ceiling). This is a required field.


Enter a description to associate with the leave code in this field.


Field Description
Leave Type

Enter, or click to select, the leave type that is assigned to this leave cycle. This field loads from the Manage Leave Types screen.

Payout Leave Code

Enter, or click to select, the leave code for paying out excess leave balances.

Include Negative Balances in Leave Year Carryover

Select this check box to include negative balances in the leave year carryover. If this check box is not selected, the negative balances are brought to zero.

Report Leave to Employee in Days

Select this check box to convert and report the leave hours in days on leave statements and in Deltek Time & Expense.

Hours in Leave Day

If you select the Report Leave to Employee in Days check box, enter the number of hours in this field which will be considered as one leave day.

Basis for Leave Deferral

Use the options in this group box to determine the basis for calculating the number of days to defer employee leave accruals.

Field Description
Hire Date

Select this option if the starting basis for calculating the number of days to defer is the employee's Current Hire date on the Manage Employee Information screen.

Leave Hire Date

Select this option if the starting basis for calculating the number of days to defer is the employee's Leave Hire Date on the Manage Employee Leave screen.

Days to Defer Leave Usage

Enter the number of days to defer the availability (usage) of leave by an employee in this four-digit numeric field. This deferral applies even though the employee is accruing credit for leave earned, based on the employee's leave-hire date or hire date.

For example, company policy may allow leave to accrue from an employee's hire date, but may require a 90-day waiting period from the hire date before an employee can begin to use the accrued leave.

Leave Based on Hours Worked

Use this section to designate a certain number of hours worked by employees as a leave hours basis.

Field Description
Leave Modifier

Enter, or click to select, the leave modifier code for leave accruals based on hours. The options in this field load from the Configure Leave Modify Codes application. The leave modifier rules apply the leave table when you execute the Compute Leave Accruals screen. The Leave Modifier code is only required for the Leave Table when the leave accrual is based on hours.

Base Hours Worked on Eligible Labor Locations

Select this check box to enable the Eligible Labor Locations subtask, which allows you to select specific Labor Locations to include in the leave basis.

Note: You can only select the Base Hours Worked on Eligible Labor check box only if a row in the Leave Table Details window contains a compute method of Units of Hours Worked or Hours Worked.


Subtask Description
Eligible Labor Locations Select this link to open the Eligible Labor Locations subtask for the current record. You can only access the Eligible Labor Locations subtask if you select the Base Hours Worked on Eligible Labor Locations check box.
Leave Table Details Select the Leave Table Details subtask to enter or view leave information for the leave code.