FAQs for the Manage Location Groups Screen

This section contains frequently asked questions when managing location groups.

What are location groups?

Location groups are sets of default location data that serve as location templates.

Because many assets often share basic location data, the purpose of the location group template is to make location data entry more efficient in your asset records.

You should determine in advance whether the use of location groups will satisfy your data entry requirements. Location groups should particularly benefit companies for situations in which the general location data (city, state/province, county, country, postal code) is shared by assets but the specific location code data that you have defined (such as room number, and so on) is more unique among asset records. Many users set up location groups to hold default location data that is site-specific.

How are location groups used in Fixed Assets?

When you optionally enter a location group code in an Asset Master or Asset Template record, all the location data set up for that location group on this screen automatically follows.

Procedurally, you only need to enter a location group code in a single field instead of entering identical location data in 5 to 8 fields for each record that shares the same (or similar) location data. Use of the location group as a location template limits the need for manual intervention to location code edits (room number, and so on) as necessary.

  • If you use location groups to populate location data in Asset Master or Asset Template records, you are not permitted to edit the automatically-populated data in the City, State/Province, Country, Postal Code, and County fields to preserve the integrity of the data. In this circumstance, you may want to set up additional location groups on this screen before you begin to establish Asset Master/Template data.
  • If you do not use location groups, location data can be added and edited directly in Asset Master and Asset Template records for all fields.
Note: The data on this screen is company-specific and will be available for use only by your company of login. If you have set up multiple companies in Costpoint, you can enter, edit, view or use data on this screen for each company only by using the separate company login for each.

What other Fixed Assets setup screens interface with the data on this screen?

  • Manage Location 1 Codes
  • Manage Location 2 Codes
  • Manage Location 3 Codes
  • Manage Asset Master Field Labels

If you plan to use location code data in your location groups, you must first establish the validated data on the Manage Location 1 Codes, Manage Location 2 Codes, and/or Manage Location 3 Codes screens, as applicable.

Although it is not a system requirement, you may want to overwrite the default labels for Location 1, 2 and 3 Codes with labels of your choice on the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen.

How can I change or delete location group data on this screen?

  • You can change the location group Description at any time.
  • You can change the selected location 1, 2, or 3 code data at any time, as applicable.
  • You cannot actually change the Location Group code itself, as you must procedurally delete the unwanted code and add the desired code.
  • If a location group code from this screen is currently in use (such as, it has been assigned to the Location Group field in either an Asset Master record or an Asset Template record), you cannot delete that code from this screen. In order to delete it, you must first assign a different code or delete the code entered in the applicable records (either manually or by using the Manage Asset Master Global Changes function).
  • When the location group code is no longer in use by any Asset Master or Asset Template record, you can delete it from this screen.