Manage Report Archive Categories

Set up this screen during initialization before you print system reports.

If you plan to assign a report category to an archive report category, you must first establish report categories on the Manage Report Categories screen.

This screen contains three table windows, all of which display on screen at once and function as follows:

  • Report Archive Categories: Use this table window to set up report archive category codes and names as well as specific archive criteria regarding archive override, file purge, and archive expiration data.
  • Unassigned Report Categories: Use this table window to view the system-designated report categories that are currently unassigned to the selected report archive category code in the Report Archive Categories table window.
  • Assigned Report Categories: Use this table window to link a report category to the selected report archive category code or to view report categories already assigned to the selected report archive category code in the Report Archive Categories table window.
Note: You can assign a report category to an archive category on these screens. As an alternative, you can assign an archive category to a report category on the Manage Report Categories screen.