Include Exclude Definition Subtask

Use this subtask to define the rules for including or excluding rows using row identification specifications, which are based upon specific columns and the data value within those columns.


Field Description

This column must start at "1" and cannot skip any numbers. Enter as many rules as needed to exclude or include rows of data from processing.

Note: If you enter rule numbers that are not in sequence, you must fix them before saving source file data.
Warning: If you fail to define any inclusion or exclusion rules, all input rows are considered available for processing.

Use this column to identify the column that Costpoint uses to determine whether to include or exclude rows. The column number value must be greater than zero.

Column Data Value

Use this column to define the exact data content Costpoint uses to determine whether to include or exclude rows. This value must match the input file data pattern exactly.


Use this drop-down list to determine whether to include or exclude rows based on the content. Valid options are:


Use this drop-down list to specify how to handle multiple rules. The selections are:

  • AND: This option is not available at this time.
  • OR: Only this option is currently supported.