My Expense Authorizations Dashpart

The My Expense Authorizations dashpart is a numerical table listing your most recent expenses that have been authorized. The data on this dashpart comes from Time & Expense.

Note: In addition to Time & Expense license, you must be licensed for expense collection and the system you are accessing must be licensed for expense authorization for you to be able to view this dashpart.

You can view the date on which the expense authorization was created, the expense authorization description, and the total expense amount that has been authorized per expense authorization line (sum of all estimated expense amounts for a specific expense authorization ID). The status of the expense authorization is also displayed, with valid values including:

  • Draft
  • Submitted
  • Under Review
  • Approved
  • Processed
  • Rejected
  • Voided

By default, the dashpart displays 10 of your most recent expense authorizations in descending order by Date.


In the Description column, click an expense authorization description link to open the Manage Expense Authorization screen in Time & Expense and view additional details about that expense authorization. The screen opens directly to the record selected.

Note: Depending on your security rights, Costpoint may display a message indicating that you do not have access to a drill-through application.