Charge Trees Tab

Use the Charge Trees tab to choose charge trees and charge tree options for export.

In Deltek Time Collection 5.x or greater, Charge Trees determine how charges are presented and authorized. A charge is a generic term that identifies a specific combination of UDT values. The tree value of any project structure is determined at the top level. For example, a charge can be a project ID or it can be a project ID/labor category combination, and charge trees represent the first breakdown of such charges. Please refer to the section covering Charge Trees in your Deltek Time Collection 5.x or Deltek Time & Expense documentation.


The fields in this subtask are enabled only if you selected the Project (UDT02) check box on the Base/Link Tables tab and the Basic Employee check box on the Resource Information tab.

For information regarding Charge Tree structures, please refer to the Time Collection 5.x or Deltek Time & Expense documentation.

Charge Trees

Field Description
Charge Trees

If you select this check box, Charge Tree records are exported to the CHARGE_ YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.CSV file. Clearing this check box disables items in the Charge Trees and Charge Tree > Type(s) group boxes.

Base Charge Tree on Project Structure

This check box is enabled only if you select the Charge Trees check box. If you select this check box, the project structure is used to determine the structure of the Work Force and Non-Project Work Force Charge Tree records. Costpoint uses these records to branch the Tree Code and Top Level Branch codes to the charge project, and the charge project and all of its higher levels must have a charge branch record. If you do not select this check box, the projects are grouped under the top-level project only.

Tree Code

From the drop-down list, select the basis for the charge tree records. This record is used to specify the "base" of the project tree. This is the highest level of the tree structure that is used to group projects. This drop-down list is enabled only if you select the Charge Trees check box. Valid options are:

  • Company: If you maintain more than one company in your database, the drop-down list is set to Company and become disabled. If the Tree Code is Company, your projects are grouped by company.
  • Project Customer: Select this option to group your projects by customer.
  • Project Classification: Select this option to group your projects by classification.
  • Project Account Group: Select this option to group your projects by project account group.
  • Project Owning Org: Select this option to group your projects by project owning org.
Top Level Branch

From the drop-down list, select the top-level branch of your charge trees. This record is used to specify the main branches of the project tree. This is the second level of the tree structure and is used in conjunction with the value in the Tree Code drop-down box to group projects. This drop-down list is enabled only if you select the Charge Trees check box. Valid options are:

  • Project Customer: Select this option to group your projects by a combination of the selected Tree Code value and customer.
  • Project Classification: Select this option to group your projects by a combination of the selected Tree Code value and classification.
  • Project Account Group: Select this option to group your projects by a combination of the selected Tree Code value and project account group.
  • Project Owning Org: Select this option to group your projects by a combination of the selected Tree Code value and project owning organization.
  • Top Level Project: Select this option to group your projects by a combination of the selected Tree Code value and top level project.
Project Owning Organization Level

Enter the level of owning org that is exported for Project Work Force and Non-Project Work Force charge trees. This field is available only if you select a Tree Code or Top Level Branch value of Project Owning Org. You can select any level number between 1 and 11. This field is enabled if the Deltek Time & Expense Version is Time & Expense 7.x or greater on the Configure Labor Settings screen. 

Charge Tree Type(s)

Field Description
Non-Project Work Force

Select this check box to create charge tree records for projects that do not require a work force. This check box is enabled when you select the Charge Trees check box.

Project Work Force

Select this check box to create charge tree records for project/employee/PLC combinations. This check box is enabled if you select the Charge Trees > check box.

Manufacturing Orders

Select this check box to create charge tree for manufacturing orders. If you select this check box, the Charge Tree records are based on information from the Manufacturing Order (MO_HDR) table. The top-level branch value is MO for all MO Charge Tree records. This check box is enabled if you select the Charge Trees and the Manufacturing Orders (UDT02) check boxes.

Project Work Force Options

Field Description
Project/Employee from Project Employee Work Force

Select this check box to base project work force charge trees on project/employee combinations from the Project Employee Work Force table. This check box is enabled only if the Project Work Force check box is selected.

Project/Employee from Assign PLC to Employee Work Force

Select this option to base project work force charge trees on project/employee combinations from the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force table. This check box is enabled only if the Project Work Force check box is selected.

Project/PLC/Employee from Assign PLC to Employee Work Force

Select this option to base project work force charge trees on project/employee/PLC combinations from the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force table. This check box is enabled only if the Project Work Force and PLC (UDT07) (Base/Link Tables tab) check boxes are selected.

Project/Employee from Project Employee Work Force (where not in Assign PLC to Employee Work Force)

Select this check box to base project work force charge trees on project/employee combinations from the Project Employee Work Force table. Only project/employee combinations that do not exist in the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force table are exported. This check box is enabled only if the Project Work Force check box is selected.

PLC Selection Method

From  this drop-down, select the method that determines which PLCs are exported into the Charge Group file. Valid options are:

  • All PLCs
  • Default PLCs