How to Change a Fixed-Amount Revenue Formula to a CPFF Revenue Formula

Follow a few steps to change a fixed-amout revenue formula to a CPFF revenue formula.

To change to a Cost Plus type formula:

  1. Manually calculate the inception-to-date revenue.

    Compare this to the revenue on your PSR when you complete the process.

  2. Change the revenue formula to a cost-type formula (Cost Plus Fee on Cost or Cost Plus Fee on Hours).
  3. Answer Yes to the question about allowable columns if you want all fees to show in the current period on the PSR. 

    If you want only the difference to be shown on the current period PSR, change the revenue formula to Do Not Compute. After you make this modification, enter the new cost type formula. This prevents Costpoint from deleting the allowable columns. As a result, no data in prior periods is modified.

  4. On the Manage Revenue Information screen, enter the fixed fee or hour amount.
  5. Calculate the revenue with the new formula and follow standard revenue procedures to print the PSR and evaluate the effect of the modification.