Change a Fixed-Amount Revenue Formula to a CPFF Revenue Formula

Cost Plus Fee on Cost and Cost Plus Fee on Hours formulas are year-to-date formulas.

The program calculates revenue only on costs incurred during the current fiscal year.

If you need to adjust the revenue from a prior fiscal year, use an inception-to-date revenue adjustment. Whenever you enter the ITD revenue adjustment, the next computation of revenue following the revenue adjustment entry reflects the ITD adjustment. Because fixed formulas usually contain a revenue line, delete it before you modify revenue formulas.

If you want to restate the G/L and restate the PSR to reflect the CPFF formula for all of the periods in the fiscal year, you need to recompute revenue for each of the periods and post for each period. If you want to restate the PSR for all periods but not the GL, you need to recompute revenue in each period but post only in the current period. If you want the entire fee to be recognized in the current period, compute only in the current period and the YTD fee is reflected in the current period.