Purge All Asset Information

Use this screen to purge Asset Master records and all additional records within Costpoint Fixed Assets tables that use the referenced asset/item number in the key.

This purge automatically deletes records from the following screens/tables, within the range(s) of your selection parameters:

Screen Name Table Name
Manage Asset Master Information (main screen, all tabs and subtasks) ASSET




Manage Asset Description Information ASSET


Manage Asset Purchase Information ASSET
Manage Asset Cost Information ASSET
Manage Asset Location Information ASSET
Manage Asset Account Information ASSET
Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information ASSET
Manage Asset Other Books Information ASSET_OTH_BK_DEPR
Manage Asset Disposal Information ASSET



Manage Asset Government Information ASSET_OTHER_INFO
Manage Asset User-Defined Information GENL_UDEF
Manage Asset Master Global Changes ASSET_AUDIT_LOG
Manage Asset Master User-Defined Global Changes ASSET_AUDIT_LOG
Manage Asset Inventory Information FA_TRACKING
Manage Asset Maintenance Information FA_TRACKING
Manage Asset Transfer Information FA_TRACKING

In addition, records that are written to the following tables during system computations and processes are deleted from these tables during the purge process:

Record Table Name
Posted detail records for the G/L Book FA_POSTING_DETL
Unposted detail records for optional books FA_DEPR_HS
Projected depreciation expense for currently owned assets FA_PRJTD_DEPR_EXP
Projected disposals of currently-owned assets FA_PRJTD_DISP

You can purge the data for any number of asset/item numbers, asset accounts, organizations, and/or projects. You can also purge by acquisition or disposal time periods, and you can select any number of acquisition or disposal fiscal years/periods, as applicable.

You can purge only fully depreciated assets and purge data selectively for active records, inactive records, disposals, depreciable records, and/or non-depreciable records.

Finally, you can print a list of the selected assets that will be purged once you click from the menu bar. This list is virtually a "data dump," and there are no specific report options.

Records found in the following additional screens/tables will constitute an error condition that halts the purge process before any records are deleted:

Screen Name Table Name
Manage Asset Inventory Transactions FA_POSTING_DETL
Manage Asset Maintenance Transactions FA_TRACKING_EDIT
Manage Asset Transfer Transactions FA_TRACKING_EDIT
Manage Disposal Transactions FA_DISP_EDIT
Manage Autocreation Transactions AUTOCR_ASSET_EDIT
Maintain Asset Location Exceptions FA_LOC_EXCEPTNS
Note: If you use other books and you have one or more entries in the FA_DISP_EDIT table, you should perform the purge after you have posted all disposals and after you have closed the current Fixed Assets accounting period to avoid the display of misleading/unnecessary error messages.

The existence of unposted records for Book 1 also constitutes an "error" condition that halts the purge process before any record is deleted. The system automatically generates an Error List.

Note: The system prints either the Purge List or the Error List, but not both. The purge process is an "all-or-nothing" process; the system will not perform a partial purge (by deleting table rows for assets with no "errors" and rejecting other rows).

To prevent the accidental deletion of data, we recommend that you restrict user access to this screen.

Warning: Because this purge routine permanently deletes table data, you should first verify that you do not need to retain this data in the system for future audits or for historical reference purposes. As a precaution, always perform a reliable backup.

Following your company procedures, first identify which asset/item numbers, asset account/ organization/project parameters, and fiscal year/period records should be included in the selection parameters.

Although you can run this purge process at any time, you should normally run this process to clear out unneeded history and free up database space.

Before beginning the purge process, the system checks the status of all accounting periods within the range selected for the purge. A warning message may appear if not all accounting periods within your selected range for the purge have been closed. It will ask you if you want to continue with the purge process or not.

Although you can continue with the purge process in this circumstance, we recommend that you investigate before proceeding. Transactions should normally be purged only for closed accounting periods. You cannot perform a purge for records for which the fiscal year/accounting period is equal to the "current" FY and period, which displays on the Configure Posting Settings screen. You must select the FY and period for a time period before the current period data indicated on the Configure Posting Settings screen.