Timesheet Header Tab

Use the Timesheet Header tab to manage and view header record of the timesheet that you open or create on the Manage Timesheets screen.

Hours & Accounting Period

Enter totals for regular and other hours to enable Costpoint to edit the total hours related to the detail account lines in the lower portion of the screen, and reduce the chance of data entry error on those lines. Before Costpoint accepts a timesheet, the hours associated with the pay types that were not designated as overtime pay types must equal the hours entered in the Regular field. Also, the hours associated with the pay types that were designated as overtime pay types must equal the hours entered in the Other field. The Overtime check box on the Manage Pay Types screen, if selected, designates a pay type as an overtime or a premium pay type.

This group box contains the General Ledger Posting data assigned to this timesheet. Use the fields in this group box to  select fiscal year, period, and subperiod settings. These settings automatically appear based upon the last time you used this screen, and can be changed.

Field Description
Regular Hours

Enter the total number of regular hours for this timesheet. You can enter a maximum of two places to the right of the decimal in this numeric field. This field is required.

Other Hours

Enter the total number of overtime or other hours for this timesheet. You can enter a maximum of two places to the right of the decimal in this numeric field. If you enter nothing in this field, a zero is the default value when the screen is saved.

Total Hours

This non-editable field displays the sum of the Regular and Other hours.

Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year to which this timesheet is assigned for General Ledger posting purposes.


Enter, or click to select, the period to which this timesheet is assigned for General Ledger posting purposes.


Enter, or click to select, the subperiod to which this timesheet is assigned for General Ledger posting purposes.

Employee Information

Field Description
Overtime State

Enter, or click to select, the overtime state for this timesheet. This is not the withholding state, which is used for state income tax purposes. This data comes from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. This field represents the state where the work is being performed, and is used as the basis for the auto overtime calculation. Use the Manage Overtime Rules by State screen to define the method for calculating overtime hours related to this state. If the state's overtime rules specify that overtime hours are based upon the number of hours worked in a day, you must enter daily timesheets for the auto overtime calculations to be accurate. The Manage Overtime Rules by Location screen supersedes the Manage Overtime Rules by State screen if the locations charged on the timesheet lines are found in the Overtime Rules by Location table.

Rate Type

This non-editable field displays the employee's Rate Type code from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

FLSA Status

This non-editable field displays the employee's FLSA status from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.


This non-editable field displays the labor group or union code from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency used for the timesheet. The transaction currency will initially default from the employee’s Manage Employee Salary Information. However, you can use the Exchange Rates subtask can be used to change the timesheet currency. You can only view this field if you enable Costpoint's Multicurrency (MU) functionality.

Auto Adjust Percent

This field displays the auto-adjustment percentage of pay period value. This comes from the Default Auto-Adjust % on the Timesheet Periods screen. It is routine to set this percentage to 100.00. However, if you are entering only part of a pay period, enter the percentage that applies to the part you are entering. For example, if you are entering half of a pay period, enter 50.00 for the percentage.


This percentage refers to the pay period, rather than the timesheet period. Although the pay period is not established in Costpoint Labor, a pay period is associated with each employee. For example, your timesheet period can be weekly, but your pay period can be biweekly. The Payroll Salary amount recorded on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen refers to the amount of pay in the pay period, not in the timesheet period.

Timesheet Line Totals

Field Description
Regular Hours

This non-editable field displays the total regular hours entered on the timesheet lines.

Other Hours

This non-editable field displays the total overtime hours entered on the timesheet lines.

Total Hours

This non-editable field displays the total regular and overtime hours entered on the timesheet lines.

Labor Amount

This non-editable field displays the sum of the values in the Amount field on the timesheet lines. If you use and enable Costpoint's Multicurrency (MU) functionality, the label of this field is Trans Amount.

Reference Timesheet Information

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the date of the original timesheet, in MM/DD/YYYY format, by which to reference this timesheet. This date is not validated against the timesheet date of the other timesheet and therefore can be entered at any time. You normally use correcting timesheets whenever a timesheet error is discovered after the timesheet can no longer be directly edited (after it has been posted to the G/L, posted to payroll, computed for leave, or computed for payroll), and when the original timesheet being corrected has been purged from the Labor Distribution File.


Enter the reference number of the original timesheet in order to associate this timesheet with the current one. The reference date and sequence number are used to reference Regular timesheets in order to calculate the auto-adjusted rates.


This code refers to the original timesheet type of the timesheet line. If the timesheet type is D or N, then the reference code will be R.

Timesheet Status

Leave Computed

This check box displays as selected when the timesheet has been computed for leave accruals (hours worked).

Payroll Computed

This check box displays as selected when the timesheet has been computed for payroll.

Reversal Timesheet

This check box displays as selected when if the timesheet was reversed using the Create Reversing Timesheets process.

Weighted Ave Applied

This check box displays as selected when a timesheet had weighted averages applied.

Salary Capped

This check box displays as selected when salary cap calculation was applied to the timesheet.

Labor Posted

If this non-editable check box is selected, the timesheet has been posted to the General Ledger for Labor Distribution purposes.

Payroll Posted

If this non-editable check box is selected, the timesheet has been posted to the General Ledger for Payroll purposes.

Reversed Timesheet

This field displays as selected when the timesheet was reversed.


This check box displays as selected when the timesheet was auto-adjusted.

Generate Fringe

Click this button to create a timesheet line for fringe handling which is represented by the C line type.

This function works in conjunction with the Manage Wage Determination Rates screen.

After a timesheet line is created for wage determination, a second line needs to be created to apply fringe handling.

When you click this button, Costpoint evaluates data on the Manage Wage Determination Rates screen to determine whether the fringe handling is a "cash" fringe. If so, Costpoint creates a timesheet line using data from the Manage Wage Determination Fringe Charge Codes screen.

Auto Adjust

Click this button to execute the auto adjust process that adjusts the labor cost, and related hourly rate, for the employees to the amount of their salary. If you selected the Enable for Salaried Employees check box in the Automatic Auto-Adjust group box on the Overtime Settings subtask of the Configure Labor Settings screen and this employee is Salary Fixed or Salary Fluctuating, this button is unavailable. Likewise, if you have selected the Enable for Hourly Employees check box, and this employee is Hourly, this button is unavailable. The auto-adjust function is done automatically. Otherwise, the button is enabled.

You cannot use this function on a prorated timesheet.

The Auto-Adjust function can come into play after you save the timesheet. The function compares the salary amount on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen to the labor cost on the timesheet. If there is a difference and the Automatic Auto-Adjust feature is active for this employee, the labor cost (and hourly rate) is adjusted. Any penny-rounding amount for labor cost is added to or subtracted from the last line of the timesheet. The timesheet lines are then redisplayed with the new auto-adjusted labor cost amounts. If the Automatic Auto-Adjust feature is not active for this employee and there is a difference, a dialogue box displays with the following message displayed at the bottom of the screen: "Labor cost is over (under) Salary by ____; adjust?." If you click Yes, the labor cost on each timesheet line is adjusted, and the timesheet lines redisplayed. Click No to exit or Cancel to return to the timesheet (unchanged).

For example, if Joe Smith worked 100 hours in an 80-hour pay period, and is paid his regular biweekly salary of $1,600 ($20/hour), his timesheet is auto-adjusted as follows:

Before Auto-Adjust

Project A 20 hours @ $20 = $400
Project B 50 hours @ $20 = $1,000
Project C 30 hours @ $20  = $600

After Auto-Adjust

Project A 20 hours @ $16 = $320
Project B 50 hours @ $16 = $800
Project C 30 hours @ $16 = $480

The auto-adjust function is affected by the Auto Adjust % field in the Miscellaneous group box.

Please note that each timesheet date must be adjusted separately. If you have more than one regular timesheet for an employee in the pay period, you must auto-adjust each of these timesheets separately. If these timesheets are each partial timesheets, you must enter the percentage of the pay period that it represents before auto-adjusting.

When Multicurrency Labor is enabled, the auto-adjust functionality adjusts the Transaction Amounts to match the employee’s Payroll Salary Amount. The Labor Costs (Functional Amounts) will be determined by multiplying the exchange rate by the Transaction Amounts

Standard Variance

Click this button to generate a separate timesheet line with the difference between total labor cost at the standard rate and the employee's salary amount. This button is available only if the Enable check box is selected in the Use Standard Rates group box on the Configure Labor Settings screen. To use this feature, you must enter the estimated hours to be worked per year by employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. This calculates the standard (or effective) hourly rate (annual salary divided by the number of estimated hours) and is used to calculate labor cost on the timesheet lines.

The account designated on the Configure Labor Settings screen is used in the generated timesheet line along with the defaults established on the Default tab of the Manage Employee Information screen. You can edit any of the (entry) fields on the generated timesheet line.

When Multicurrency Labor is enabled, the Standard Variance is the difference between total transaction amount at the standard rate and the employee's salary amount.


Click this button to prorate this salaried employee's timesheet. The employee must have a valid work schedule. Only Regular and Correcting timesheets can be prorated. Hourly employees cannot be prorated. If you selected None as your Calculation Method in the Prorate Options group box on the Configure Labor Settings screen, this button is disabled.

Vacation time is handled the same way as work time. Holiday time is not included.

If you use this functionality, you do not have to enter Leave Without Pay timesheet lines for salaried employees.

You cannot use this function on an auto-adjusted timesheet.

The application excludes from the day count any days where the only pay types designated are:

  • Cost Only
  • Benefit Reimbursement
  • Reimbursement – Exclude from Gross Earnings
  • Leave Without Pay (LWOP)
  • Leave Without Pay (LWOP) – Negative
  • Severance
Calc Func Amount

Click this button to recalculate the functional currency amounts when you change the exchange rate in the Exchange Rates subtask. 

If the transaction currency currently displayed on the timesheet is not correct due to the Rate Date, open the Exchange Rates subtask and correct the Rate Date, then click Find Rates (to determine the exchange rate), click Apply, then save the record. You can only view this field if you enable Costpoint's Multicurrency (MU) functionality.