Report/Process Validations

Condition Type
When you click the Default Action icon on the Global Toolbar, your Fixed Assets Asset Export Edit Report will be generated and your export data records will be exported into a delimited ASCII file. You must have selected a directory where the output file will be stored by specifying the File Location and File Name on the Export File Details tab. When selecting from the Default Action button drop-down choices, you must either print before or concurrently with the process. The print/process menu option will generate the Fixed Assets Asset Export Edit report first and the process will continue to create the asset export file without stopping after the report. Print/Process
When you select the Generate Disposal Records check box on the Export File Details tab and click the Default Action icon on the Global Toolbar, your Fixed Assets Disposal Export Edit Report will be generated and the disposal records in the Disposal Data table in the Asset Master and Disposal Data Records subtask will be imported and can be viewed on the Manage Disposal Transactions screen [Asset Disposal Info Prior to Posting table (FA_DISP_EDIT)]. The print/process menu option will generate the Fixed Assets Disposal Edit report first and will continue to create the disposal edit records on Manage Disposal Transactions without stopping after the report. Print/Process