Step 1: Customize the Batch Renaming Script
The reports generated by the Cognos scheduler are given cryptic names.
For example, Approver Settings could potentially be generated as a file named 397_1163638261400.pdf. For each PDF file, the Cognos server also generates a descriptor file in XML format. This file contains the mapping of the generated PDF file name to the report's original name on the Cognos Server.
Make sure to create these folders before you run your job.
Deltek provides a script which, when run, takes the mapping information from the XML file to rename the PDF files to their original report names. This script then also appends the date and time of the report generation to the end of the file name. There is then an option to delete these descriptor files upon completion of the renaming process.
To customize the batch renaming script for your firm, you must edit the renameFiles.bat file, as necessary. The areas to edit are in italics in the following sample.
Use the instructions provided in the batch file to determine the appropriate settings for your installation.
When you are finished, save the renameFiles.bat file. Make sure that the renameFiles.bat,, and renameFiles.class files are saved to the desired output location.
@echo off
REM Please update the following information before executing the program:
REM COGNOS_HOME: (Your Cognos install directory)
set COGNOS_HOME=C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics
REM JAVA_HOME: Combining Cognos_Home with this location
Rem should result in a folder location where
REM “bin” folder can be found. Make sure there
Rem is a java.exe inside the “bin” folder.
set JAVA_HOME=%COGNOS_HOME%\bin\jre6
REM CMOUTPUT_LOCATION: Location where your CRN server will
REM save files. This is the directory
REM where the files “renameFiles.bat”,
REM “renameFiles.class” and
REM “” should exist.
REM WORK_LOCATION Location where all files will be moved
REM before renaming them. By default, this
REM is the ‘Work’ subfolder of the
REM alternate code below for specifying another
REM location altogether. Just remember to “REM”
REM the line of code not in use.
REM Call the java program to rename the output file
REM -cp options specifies the classpath information ie location of
REM renameFiles.class. The files (%1 and %2) that the server will
REM pass to the batch file will be renamed
REM Set the last parameter of the code below to “Y” or “y” for the
REM program to put files under a subfolder; “N” or “n” otherwise
call "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -cp "%CMOUTPUT_LOCATION%" renameFiles "%WORK_LOCATION%" "%1" "%2" N
REM Delete the XML descriptor files
REM Remove "REM" from the line below if you want descriptor files
REM deleted