Post Leave Accruals

Post leave accruals from the Post Leave Accruals screen from the People domain.

To post leave accruals:

  1. Use the fields in the Identification group box to create a new parameter ID and a corresponding parameter description; or use the Query function on the toolbar to retrieve an existing parameter ID.
  2. In the Selection Ranges group box, click in the Start field (for selecting leave cycles).
    The lookup window displays a list of all the available leave cycles.
  3. On the Lookup window, click to search for the leave cycle that you want to post leave accruals for.
    You can also move through the list and select that leave cycle.
  4. Select the accounting period for which you want to post leave accruals. Use the fields under Start to select a fiscal year, period, and subperiod.
  5. With the Post Leave Accruals screen displayed, click on the toolbar to print the journal report and post leave accruals.
    Note: You can print the reports first and, with the Post Leave Accruals screen displayed, go on to post accruals by clicking on the toolbar ( becomes available after you have printed the reports). In this case, the journal reports do not print again (as part of the compute process) because you already printed the reports before computing leave accruals.

    You can print the related journal reports without computing the leave accruals. After printing the reports, you are still in the application.