Contents of the Accept Bank Transactions Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Accept Bank Transactions screen.

Fill Table Selection Options

Use this block to select the criteria for the bank transactions that you want to display in the GL Transactions table window on this screen.

Field Description
Bank Abbr

Enter a valid bank abbreviation in this required field. You can use to select a bank from the list. The bank abbreviation represents the bank account that you are reconciling with your books. The description for the bank abbreviation that was set up on the Manage Company Bank Accounts screen displays to the right of the Bank Abbr field.


This non-editable field displays your company’s bank account currency.

Transaction Types

In this group box you select the transaction types (A/P, C/R, and/or P/R) to display in the GL Transactions table window on this screen.

For companies that use a combined bank account for both payroll and non-payroll activities, the same cash account are used for A/P, C/R, and P/R transactions. Select one, two, or three check boxes, as needed, to populate the GL Transactions table window with Costpoint-created transactions. To view, enter, or edit manual adjustments only, select the Manual Adjustments from Foreign Currency Balance and Adjustments check box.

Field Description
All Types

Select this check box to populate the GL Transactions table window with all transaction types.

Accounts Payable

Select this check box to populate the GL Transactions table window with bank transactions history from accounts payable checks and EFT data. You cannot enter or edit Accounts Payable transaction history data in the GL Transactions table window, but you can enter or edit the code (CLR (Cleared) or OUT (Outstanding)), the bank acceptance data (date, fiscal year, period, and subperiod), and the bank amount.

Cash Receipts

Select this check box to populate the GL Transactions table window with bank transactions history from cash receipts data. You cannot enter or edit Cash Receipts transaction history data in the GL Transactions table window, but you can enter or edit the code (CLR (Cleared) or OUT (Outstanding)), the bank acceptance data (date, fiscal year, period, and subperiod), and the bank amount.

Payroll Transactions

Select this check box to populate the GL Transactions table window with bank transactions history from payroll checks and direct deposit data You cannot enter or edit Payroll transaction history data in the GL Transactions table window, but you can enter or edit the code (CLR (Cleared) or OUT (Outstanding)), the bank acceptance data (date, fiscal year, period, and subperiod), and the bank amount.

Manual Adjustments from Foreign Currency Balance and Adjustments

Select this check box to populate the GL Transactions table window with manual adjustments from the Adjust Currency Balances screen. You cannot enter or edit manual adjustments from Adjust Currency Balances data in the GL Transactions table window, but you can enter or edit the code (CLR (Cleared) or OUT (Outstanding)), the bank acceptance data (date, fiscal year, period, and subperiod), and the bank amount.

Manual Adjustments from Accept Bank Transactions

Select this check box to populate the GL Transactions table window with manual adjustments. You can enter or edit manual adjustments in the GL Transactions table window. The bank file may contain amounts for bank service charges or other miscellaneous fees that do not match any of the historical transactions. This allows you to enter manual rows to the GL Transactions table window in order to reconcile your items.

If you enter a manual adjustment, a journal entry is created to correct your general ledger balances. You normally record bank interest as a cash receipt and you record bank charges in Accounts Payable. Manual entries are designed to facilitate bank reconciliations only in the rare circumstance in which the normal data entry source was not used.

Clear Voided Checks

Select this check box to populate the GL Transactions table window with bank transactions history for voided checks.

Show Transactions

In this required group box, select transactions to populate the GL Transactions table window. You must select at least one check box.

Field Description

Select this check box to include cleared transactions (Code CLR) for the selected transaction types.


Select this check box to include outstanding (uncleared) transactions (Code OUT) for the selected transaction types.

Bank Acceptance Defaults

In this group box, you can optionally enter bank acceptance defaults for the date, fiscal year, period, and subperiod. Although this is optional data, data for each of these columns is required when you clear a transaction (set the code to CLR) in the GL Transactions table window. Entering bank acceptance default data in this screen minimizes the need for data entry in the table window when you accept transactions.

Field Description

Enter a bank acceptance date in the MM/DD/YYYY format. If you also enter defaults for the fiscal year, period, and subperiod, the default bank acceptance date must fall within the start and end date of the specified fiscal year, period, and subperiod.

The date from this field automatically displays in the Bank Accept Date column of the GL Transactions table window when the code for one or more rows is set to CLR.

If you do not set up a default setting for this information, you must manually enter the bank acceptance date for each row in the GL Transactions table window for which a CLR code has been entered before the row can be saved.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year that coincides with the bank acceptance date as a default setting. Although fiscal year/period/subperiod default data is optional, you must complete all three fields if you want to establish defaults for this information. (You cannot enter a default fiscal year without also entering a default accounting period and subperiod.)

The fiscal year from this field automatically displays in the Bank Accept Fiscal Year column of the GL Transactions table window when the code for one or more rows is set to CLR.

If you do not set up a default setting for this information, you must manually enter the bank acceptance fiscal year for each row in the GL Transactions table window for which a CLR code has been entered before you can save a row.


Enter the accounting period that coincides with the bank acceptance date as a default setting.

Although fiscal year/period/subperiod default data is optional, you must complete all three fields if you want to establish defaults for this information (You cannot enter a default accounting period without also entering a default fiscal year and subperiod).

The accounting period from this field automatically displays in the Bank Accept Period column of the GL Transactions table window when the code for one or more rows is set to CLR. If you do not set up a default setting for this information, you must manually enter the bank acceptance accounting period for each row in the GL Transactions table window for which a CLR code has been entered before you can save a row.


Enter the accounting subperiod that coincides with the bank acceptance date as a default setting. Although fiscal year/period/subperiod default data is optional, you must complete all three fields if you want to establish defaults for this information. (You cannot enter a default subperiod without also entering a default fiscal year and accounting period.)

The accounting subperiod from this field automatically displays in the Bank Accept Subperiod column of the GL Transactions table window when the code for one or more rows is set to CLR. If you do not set up a default for this information, you must manually enter the bank acceptance subperiod for each row in the GL Transactions table window for which a CLR code has been entered before you can save a row.

Statement Ending Date

Enter the statement ending date in this field. This date is used to compare the bank transactions with your historical GL transactions.

Set to Clear

Click this button to change the code in all highlighted transaction rows in the GL Transactions table window to CLR (cleared). The same rules apply when you click this button or when you edit individual rows manually. Refer to the documentation on the Code field for information on these system rules.

Set to Out

Click this button to change the code in all highlighted transaction rows in the GL Transactions to OUT (outstanding). The same system rules apply when you click this button or when you edit individual rows manually. Refer to the documentation on the Code field for information on these system rules.


Click this button to match rows in the GL Transactions table window with those in the Bank Statement Transactions table window. This button displays only if there are records in the Bank Statement Transactions table window.

Before you click this button, you must first highlight the transaction rows to be matched.


Click this button to unmatch rows in the GL Transactions table window against those in the Bank Statement Transactions table window. This button displays only if there are records in the Bank Statement Transactions table window.

Before you click this button, you must first highlight the transaction rows to be unmatched.

Auto Match

Click this button to automatically match rows in the GL Transactions table window with those in the Bank Statement Transactions table window.

When you click this button, Costpoint matches the GL and bank transactions using the following criteria:

  • For cash receipts:
    • The Transaction Type must be Deposit.
    • The bank Trans Amount must be equal to the GL Amount.
    • The bank Trans Date must be within 7 days before or after the GL Trans Date.
  • For accounts payable and payroll:
    • The Transaction Type must be Check.
    • The bank Trans Number must match the GL Trans Number.
    • The bank Trans Amount must be equal to the GL Amount.

GL Transactions

In this table window, you clear bank transactions, view data, or change bank acceptance data for the records that are retrieved per the options you selected on the this screen.

Alternately, you can clear (accept) bank transactions in batch mode in the Process Bank Transactions Acceptances screen. When you use the Process Bank Transactions Acceptances screen, you can select one or more ranges of bank transactions for which the code can automatically be changed from outstanding to cleared (or from cleared to outstanding). Even if you change the status of bank transactions in batch mode, you must use the GL Transactions table window to view the individual transactions and to make edits on a row-by-row basis.

You can also use this screen to enter manual bank adjustments that were not previously entered in cash receipts or accounts payable, such as interest income, bank charges, and so on.

Always keep manual adjustment entries to a minimum. You normally record bank interest as a cash receipt and you record bank charges in Accounts Payable. Manual entries are designed to facilitate bank reconciliations only in the rare circumstance in which the normal data entry source has not been used.

If you populated the GL Transactions table window with Cash Receipts, Accounts Payable, and/or Payroll transaction types, you cannot enter or edit the historical transaction data. You can, however, enter or edit the code ("cleared" or "outstanding"), the bank acceptance data (date, fiscal year, period, and subperiod), and the bank amount.

If you populated the GL Transactions table window with MAN transaction types (Manual Adjustments), you can edit data in all columns. To add a new manual adjustment, click .

The items in the table window are sorted by their trans type (CR, AP, PR, or MAN), code (CLR or OUT), trans date (Cash Receipt, Check, or Trans Date), and trans number (Cash Receipt, Check, or Trans Number).

Field Description
Trans Type

This column displays the transaction type (AP, CR, PR, or MAN) that is associated with each transaction that meets your selection criteria. The selection criteria options on this screen that determine the items that populate the Transactions table window are:

  • A/P, C/R, and/or P/R Transactions: Accounts Payable transactions display AP in this column. Cash Receipts transactions display CR in this column. Payroll transactions display PR in this column.
  • Manual Adjustments: Manual adjustment transactions display MAN in this column. To enter a new manual adjustment row, click . MAN automatically displays in this column for the new row.

This column displays whether a bank transaction is CLR (cleared) or OUT (outstanding). You can use the drop-down list to change it.

There are no restrictions on changing the code in this field. The following S_STATUS_CDs are used in the VEND_CHK table to integrate the bank reconciliation records and the Accounts Payable records:

  • O: Outstanding
  • C: Cleared
  • V: Void or Unused
  • S: Stop Payment
  • P: Zero Balance Check

When the bank transactions are accepted and the bank reconciliation items are set to CLR, the S_STATUS_CD in the VEND_CHK table is changed to C (Cleared).

Bank reconciliation items that have status of V (Void) or S (Stop Payment) cannot be reset to C (Cleared) in the VEND_CHK table. They are cleared in the BANK_TRN_HS table. Clearing a void or stop payment transaction has no effect on the VEND_CHK table.

For CR, AP, and/or PR transactions that were not previously edited, OUT automatically displays as the default. If the transaction cleared the bank, enter CLR (or C). To change a cleared code to outstanding, enter OUT.

For a new MAN transaction row, there is no automatic default for this column. If the transaction has cleared the bank, enter CLR (or C). If the transaction is still outstanding, enter OUT (or O).

For CR, AP, and/or PR transaction types, the following takes place in the GL Transactions table window when you enter or change a code to CLR:

  • The value in the Amount column displays in the Bank Amount column. You cannot  edit it.
  • If you entered a bank acceptance default date when you selected the transactions for display, the date from that field automatically displays in the Bank Accept Date column. Data in this column is required for cleared transactions, but you can edit default data as long as it falls within the date range of the bank acceptance fiscal year/ period/subperiod.
  • If you entered a bank acceptance default fiscal year, period, and subperiod when you selected the transactions for display, these default entries display in the Bank Accept Fiscal Year, Bank Accept Period, and Bank Accept Subperiod columns, respectively. You must have data in these columns in order to clear transactions.
For CR, AP, and/or PR transaction types, the following takes place in the GL Transactions table window when you change a code from CLR to OUT:
  • The value in the Bank Amount column displays zeroes.
  • Any default entry or edited data in the Bank Accept Date, Bank Accept Fiscal Year, Bank Accept Period, and Bank Accept Subperiod fields are cleared.

For a MAN transaction type, the following takes place in the GL Transactions table window:

  • There is no automatic code default for a new row. You must enter CLR or OUT in this required column.
  • Defaults for the Bank Acceptance Date, Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod fields function in the same manner as for CR, AP, and PR, for both the CLR and OUT codes. If the code is CLR, these fields are required, and the defaults, if specified on this screen, display in these fields. If the code is OUT, these fields are cleared, and you cannot enter data in them.
  • There is no G/L amount associated with a new row. As a result, there is no automatic display of that amount in the Bank Amount column. You must manually enter data for the G/L Amount column.

Click the Set to CLR and the Set to OUT buttons to select multiple rows in which to change the status code from CLR to OUT or from OUT to CLR.

Trans Date

For CR, AP, and/or PR transaction types, the date from the historical transaction displays in this column, and you cannot edit it.

For CR transactions, the receipt date displays in this column.

For AP and PR transactions, the check date (or direct deposit date, as appropriate) displays in this column.

For previously entered manual (MAN) transactions, user-entered data displays in this column. For new MAN transaction type rows, enter a transaction date in this required field in the MM/DD/YYYY format.

Trans Number

For CR, AP, and/or PR transaction types, the number from the historical transaction displays in this column, and you cannot edit it.

For CR transactions, the receipt number displays in this column.

For AP and PR transactions, the check number displays in this column.

For previously entered manual (MAN) transactions, user-entered data displays in this column. For new MAN transaction type rows, enter a transaction number in this required field.


This column displays the charge amount.

Bank Amount

For all transaction types, when you enter or change a code to CLR, the value in the Amount column displays in the Bank Amount column, where you can edit it.

If, after reviewing your bank statement, you determine that there is a discrepancy between the booked transaction and the transaction from the bank statement, enter the different bank amount in this field. In this circumstance, an X automatically displays in the Unmatched column.

Trans Amount

This column displays the charge amount in the transaction currency.


For all transaction types, this check box is selected if the Amount column does not match the Bank Amount column. If the Bank Amount column is blank for cleared transactions, the two columns probably match in amounts.

Bank Accept Date

Data in this column is required for cleared transactions. You can edit the default data that automatically populates this field for CLR items as long as the date falls within the date range of the bank acceptance fiscal year/period/subperiod.

When you change the code from OUT to CLR for CR, AP, and PR transaction types and you already entered a bank acceptance default date in the main screen, the date from that field automatically displays in the Bank Accept Date column when you select the transactions for display.

If you change the code from CLR to OUT, data in this field automatically is cleared.

For new MAN transaction-type rows for which the code is CLR, enter the bank acceptance date in this required field in date format (MM/DD/YYYY). The system validates that the bank acceptance date falls within the start and end date of the specified fiscal year, period, and subperiod.

Bank Accept Fiscal Year, Bank Accept Period, and Bank Accept Subperiod

If you entered a bank acceptance default in the Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod fields on this screen when you selected the transactions for display, the entries in those fields display in the Bank Accept Fiscal Year, Bank Accept Period, and Bank Accept Subperiod columns. Data in these columns is required for cleared transactions.

If you change the code from CLR to OUT, data in these fields is automatically cleared.

For new MAN transaction type rows for which the code is CLR, enter the bank acceptance fiscal year, period, and subperiod in these required fields. The system validates that the bank acceptance date falls within the start and end date of the specified fiscal year, period, and subperiod.

Trans ID

This field displays the transaction ID.

Trans Name

For CR, AP, and/or PR transaction types, the name from the historical transaction displays in this column, and you cannot edit it. For CR transactions, this column is blank. For AP transactions, the pay vendor name displays in this column. For PR transactions, the last and first name of the employee display in this column.

For previously entered manual (MAN) transactions, user-entered data displays in this column. For a new MAN transaction type row, enter an optional transaction name in this column.

Trans Desc

For CR, AP, and/or PR transaction types, there is no historical transaction description available. The transaction source displays in this column. You cannot edit it.

For CR transactions, Cash Receipt displays in this column.

For AP transactions, AP Transaction displays in this column.

For PR transactions, PR Transaction displays in this column.

For previously entered manual (MAN) transactions, user-entered data displays in this column.

For a new MAN transaction type row, enter an optional transaction description in this column.

Deposit Number

This column displays the deposit number from the Create Bank Transactions History screen.

Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod

For CR, AP, and/or PR transaction types, the fiscal year, period, and subperiod from the historical transaction  displays in these columns. You cannot edit them.

For CR transactions, the fiscal year, period, and subperiod from the Cash Receipts Header History table display in these columns.

For AP transactions, the fiscal year, period, and subperiod from the Vendor Check table display in these columns.

For PR transactions, the fiscal year, period, and subperiod from the Employee Earnings table display in these columns.

For previously entered manual (MAN) transactions, user-entered data displays in these columns.

For a new MAN transaction type row, enter the fiscal year, period, and subperiod in these required columns.


For CR, AP, and/or PR transaction types, the account from the cash acct/org/ref1/ref2 combination from the historical transaction displays in this column. You cannot edit it.

For CR transactions, the cash account from the Cash Receipts Transaction History table displays in this column.

For AP transactions, the cash account from the Vendor Check table displays in this column.

For PR transactions, the cash account from the Employee Earnings table displays in this column.

For previously entered manual (MAN) transactions, user-entered data displays in these columns. For a new MAN transaction type row, enter the cash account in this required column or use to select one.


For CR, AP, and/or PR transaction types, the organization from the cash acct/org/ref1/ref2 combination from the historical transaction displays in this column. You cannot edit it.

For CR transactions, the cash organization from the Cash Receipts Transaction History table displays in this column.

For AP transactions, the cash organization from the Vendor Check table displays in this column.

For PR transactions, the cash organization from the Employee Earnings table displays in this column.

For previously entered manual (MAN) transactions, user-entered data displays in these columns. For a new MAN transaction type row, enter the cash organization in this required column or use to select one.

Ref 1

If you use reference numbers, the label that is entered for Reference 1 on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen displays as this column heading.

For CR, AP, and/or PR transaction types, the reference 1 number from the cash acct/org/ref1/ref2 combination from the historical transaction displays in this column. You cannot edit it.

For CR transactions, the cash reference 1 number from the Cash Receipts Transaction History table displays in this column.

For AP transactions, the cash reference 1 number from the Vendor Check table displays in this column.

For PR transactions, the cash reference 1 number from the Employee Earnings table displays in this column.

For previously entered manual (MAN) transactions, user-entered data displays in these columns. For a new MAN transaction type row, enter the cash reference 1 number in this optional column or use to select one.

Ref 2

If you use reference numbers, the label entered for Reference 2 in the Configure General Ledger Settings screen displays as this column heading.

For CR, AP, and/or PR transaction types, the reference 2 number from the cash acct/org/ref1/ref2 combination from the historical transaction displays in this column. You cannot edit it.

For CR transactions, the cash reference 2 number from the Cash Receipts Transaction History table displays in this column.

For AP transactions, the cash reference 2 number from the Vendor Check table displays in this column.

For PR transactions, the cash reference 2 number from the Employee Earnings table displays in this column.

For previously entered manual (MAN) transactions, user-entered data displays in these columns. For a new MAN transaction type row, enter the cash reference 2 number in this optional column or use to select one.

Bank Statement Transactions

This table window displays uploaded transactions from a bank, if any exist.

Field Description
Trans Number

This column displays the transaction number.

Trans Amount

The transaction amount is displayed in this column.

Match Number

This column displays the match number.

Trans Date

The transaction date is displayed in this column.

Trans Type

This column displays the appropriate debit/credit to the general ledger.

Trans ID

The transaction ID is displayed in this column.

Trans Desc

This column displays the transaction description.

Running Balance

The running balance is displayed in this column.