Print Customer Statements

Use the Print Customer Statement screen to print customer statements, which are activity reports that you can distribute to your individual customers. This allows you to inform your customers of the detailed activity on their accounts for a given period of time.

Summary information on year-to-date invoices, year-to-date payments, and balances for both before and after the selected time period are also printed.

If a customer account has been placed on Hold status, this information can be displayed on the statement.

The statements are designed so that they can be folded in thirds and inserted into a standard window envelope.

Print a customer statement whenever you want to send account activity statements to your customers, or whenever you want a printed copy of a customer's account activity.

These statements are not part of the system audit trail and need not be retained. However, you may want to retain reference copies of statements that were mailed to customers.

Report print options provide you with the ability to:

  • Print a range of customer statements.
  • Print statements for a date range for any period of time.
  • Print one customer to a page and sort by either customer account or name.
  • Print the On Hold status on the statements.
  • Suppress a statement if it contains no current activity.
  • Print statements with invoices only for customers whose invoices are over a specified number of days old.
  • Display any remit-to address.