Timesheets Subtask

Use the Timesheets subtask to view time sheet information from the Manage Timesheets screen.

If you linked a batch ID to specific timesheets, the employee name and labor details display here.


Field Description

This field displays the ID of the employee who entered the timesheets.

Employee Name

This field displays the name of the employee who entered the timesheets.

Timesheet Date

This field displays the timesheet date.


This field displays the sequence number.

Timesheet Type

This field displays the timesheet type. Valid types are:

  • R: Regular
  • B: Bonus
  • L: Labor Only
  • C: Correcting
Total Regular Hrs

This field displays the regular or non-overtime hours entered on the timesheets associated with this batch.

Total Other Hrs

This field displays the overtime hours entered on the timesheets associated with this batch.

Total Hrs

This field displays the sum of the values in the Total Regular Hrs and Total Other Hrs fields.