Postings Subtask

Use this subtask of the Periods subtask to view additional posting detail for the selected fiscal year, period, account, and organization. The table window displays the individual journal postings supporting the period balance.


Field Description

This non-editable field displays the fiscal year from the row on the Periods subtask for which you are viewing posting information.


This non-editable field displays the number of the selected account from the row for which you are viewing posting information..


This non-editable field displays the number of the selected organization from the row for which you are viewing posting information.

YTD Balance

This non-editable field displays the year-to-date balance from the row for which you are viewing posting information.


This non-editable field displays the period from the row for which you are viewing posting information.

Period Activity Amount

This non-editable field displays the total currency amount from the row for which you are viewing posting information.

Table Window

Field Description
Posting Sequence

This column displays the sequence number of the journal posting.


The column displays the subperiod for which the journal was posted.


This column displays the type of journal posted (APV, AJE, and so on).

Amount Posted

This column displays the currency amount posted. The amount is in your company's functional currency.

Hours Posted

This column displays the hours posted.


Subtask Description
Transaction Click this link to display the Transaction subtask. Use that subtask to view the transaction detail for the selected posting activity row.
Labor Click this link to display the Labor subtask. Use that subtask to view the labor portion of the transaction detail for the selected posting activity row. (The subtask is not available if labor suppression is turned on.)