Print Depreciation Component Information By Book Report

Use this report to print a snapshot of depreciation-related values in Asset Master records on a real-time basis, as the data currently exists, at any time.

You can select one or more specific column values to print on the report (up to a maximum of eight) and select the column position on the page for the following data:

  • Total Cost
  • Salvage Value
  • Amount to Depreciate
  • Prior FY Depreciation
  • FYTD Depreciation
  • Current Pd Depreciation
  • Accum Depreciation
  • Book Value

You can print data for all books, but you can select data only for a single book at a time. Data for each book displays on a different report page. You can print a summary report or a detail report that prints data asset-by-asset. You can print the data for any range of depreciation expense account allocation codes, asset/item numbers, asset accounts, organizations, and/or projects and/or depreciation expense accounts, organizations, and/or projects.

Use additional selection criteria to print project subtotals and to include the current period depreciation expense amount in the total displayed in the accumulated depreciation column. If you print a detail report, you can also print the Accumulated Depreciation Account Codes on the report. Sort options include by account, by organization, by account/organization, by accumulated depreciation account code, or by asset/item number. You can also use a page break option for all sorts other than by asset/item number.

You can also print data for active records, inactive records, disposals, depreciable records, and/or non-depreciable records. (For non-depreciable records, only the Total Cost column values are applicable.)

This report is designed to emulate spreadsheets that print depreciation component data in an easy-to-read format using side-by-side columns. You can print it only on legal-sized paper.

You can print this report at any time. Depreciation–related component data prints on a "real-time" basis exactly as the data exists in your Asset Master records at the time you run the report.