Contents of the File Download Screen

Use the File Download screen to view files that have been uploaded to the database and Alternate File Locations.

Download Files from Database

You can also use the File Download screen to purge, or delete, files as well as download files. You can only view the files that you have uploaded in this screen. You must log in as CPSUPERUSER to view all files.

Field Description
Application Name

This field displays the name of the application to which this file has been used or from which it was generated.

Application ID

This field displays the application ID for this Application Name.

File Name

This field displays the name of the file associated with this application.

File Description

This field displays detailed information about this file.

File Content Type

This field displays the file MIME content type of this file. You can edit this field as desired.

Keep Until

Enter, or click calendar.gif to select, the date this file will be eligible for purging. This field will also populate if an Expiration Date is entered when using the File Upload process. The date populated from the File Upload process can be updated. To purge the data, click Delete Expired Files.

Last Modified This field displays the most recent date the file was updated.
Download File

Click this button to save the selected file to your computer.

Delete Expired Files

Click this button to delete all expired files in the catalog. You can set the expiration date for a file using the Keep Until field, which can also be populated if an Expiration Date is entered when using the File Upload process and can be updated.

If a Keep Until date is not entered against the file, the system will use the expiration policies created in Configure Systems Settings. The file date will be compared to the policy to determine if the file can be deleted.

Select Alternate File Location

Field Description
File Location Enter, or click to select, the location from where you want to download a file. The files in this location will display in the Download Files from Alternate File Location table window.

Download Files from Alternate File Location

Field Description
File Name This field displays the name of the file associated with this application.
Last Modified This field displays the most recent date the file was updated.
Download File

Click this button to save the selected file to your computer.

Delete Expired Files

Click this button to delete all expired files in the alternate folder selected. Since a Keep Until Date cannot be added to files located in Alternate Folders, the system will use the expiration policies created in Configure System Settings. The file date will be compared to the policy to determine if the file can be deleted.