Leave Periods Subtask

This subtask displays the period start and end dates, a check box to indicate which leave period is open, and the leave year to which the leave period is assigned. At least one row of information is required.

Table Window

Field Description
Start Date

Enter, or click to select, the start date of the leave period. If there are existing leave periods, this date must be the day after the prior period's End Date.

You can also use the Add Leave Periods feature to add one or multiple leave periods to the table.

End Date

Enter, or click to select, the end date of the leave period. You can also use the Add Leave Periods feature to add one or multiple leave periods to the table.

Open Flag

Select this check box to identify which leave period (row of the table) is open or active. Only one leave period can be opened at a time. The open leave period will be computed when the Compute Leave Accruals process is run.

Leave Year

This column displays the leave year to which the period is assigned. The leave year can be different from the calendar year in the period end date.