Wage Determination Rates

Use the Manage Wage Determination Rates screen to establish fringe rates (amount and method) and base pay rates (wage override amount and method).

If you selected the Enable Wage Determination and Require Labor Location check boxes on the Configure Labor Settings screen, this screen becomes available for use and can be filled out to meet your specific requirements, although it is not required.


Use this screen only if you want to override the hourly pay amount of an employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen or to establish fringe amounts per hour and related handling methods.

The combinations of key codes entered on the timesheet line are available using for this screen. If a record is found, the base rate for that record can be used in the labor cost calculation for that timesheet line, depending on the hourly rate method associated with the  base rate. A similar situation exists for the Fringe Amount per Hour and the associated payment method.

If you did not select the Enable Wage Determination check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen, all Wage Determination (WD) rate and WD Fringe Handling processing is inactive.


Initialize this screen after you select the Enable Wage Determination check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen and before you enter any timesheets using the wage determination rate.

If the Enable Multicurrency Functionality check box is selected in the Configure Labor Settings screen, wage determination will only be applied to timesheets with a Transaction Currency of USD (US dollar).