Monitor Workflow Status

Use this screen to track individual workflow cases and determine their status.

You can start and complete activities from this screen, and view activities that already have been completed. In addition, you can use this screen to initiate workflow cases.

The Monitor Status Detail table window in this screen, like the Activities table window on the Manage Workflow Models screen, provides you with a graphical user interface to visualize activities that occur in parallel, in groups, with options, or simply one after another. You can identify completed activities by the red check preceding the name of the activity.

Upon entering this screen, you are prompted to search for desired workflows.

You must set up the following screens before using this screen:

  • Manage Workflow Case Labels
  • Manage Workflow Role Filters
  • Manage Workflow Roles
  • Manage Workflow Models

    You must also initiate workflow cases using the Manage Workflow Cases screen.