My Outstanding Attachments Subtask

Use the Outstanding Attachments subtask to view, replace, or delete attachments that you uploaded to an expense.


To view an attachment, select the row that contains the attachment and click View, and depending on the browser, the attachment may download for viewing or it may open directly in the viewer.

The replace option allows you to remove an attachment and replace it with a different one. After you select the attachment in the subtask table and click Replace, the Upload File dialog box opens where you can browse for the attachment you want add. The replacement process does not overwrite expense information.

Note: To add a new attachment to an expense without replacing an existing one, click Upload Receipts on the main table. As stated earlier, any attachments added after the first one are not scanned by ICR.
Field Description
File Name When attachments are uploaded, the application modifies the file name with the following attribute:
  • Outstandingatt - This prefix identifies the attachment as one that was manually attached from this application. If the attachment was uploaded from a mobile device, that is indicated by a prefix of "Mobile."
  • The original file name - This is the filename you have assigned to the attachment originally.
  • Date/Time stamp - The date and time (including minutes and seconds) is presented using this format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
  • File extension- This identifies the type of attachment, such as .jpg or .pdf.
Last Modified This field displays the time/date of the last update, as well as the identity of the user who made the modification.